10. Tumour Invasion and Metastasis - Clinical Effects of Cancer Flashcards
Define the term invasion
Infiltration of normal tissues by malignant tumour cells with destruction of tissue.
Define the term metastasis
Tumour implants discontinuous with the primary tumour.
List the steps involved in the process of invasion
Abnormal or increased cell motility with loss of contact inhibition
Secretion of proteolytic enzymes
Decreased cellular adhesion
Outline the role of metalloproteinases in invasion
Metalloproteinases-important for digesting through the basement membrane zone
Define what is meant by angiogenesis
Formation of blood vessels
Outline the role of angiogensis in the development of malignant tumours
Solid tumours cannot grow more than 1-2mm in diameter, unless they are vascularised
Tumours must generate a
de -novo blood supply
Tumours produce various factors that stimulate the formation of new blood vessels.
Describe the stages of the metastatic cascade
2 INVASION of surrounding connective tissue
3 INTRAVASATION into lumen of vessels
4 EVASION of host defence mechanisms
5 EXTRAVASATION of cells from lumen into tissue
What is the role of some metastatic tumours the express cell surface proteins?
Allow specific adhesions to endothelial cells and thus transmigration into target tissues
List the three main routes of metastasis in the body giving clinically relevant examples
Through the circulatory system (Haematogenous) - blood vessels
Through the lymphatic system
Direct seeding of body cavities or surfaces (transcoelomic)
Explain what is meant by paraneoplastic syndrome
Syndromes not expressed by local effect or metastases or by production of hormones indigenous to the tissue from which the tumour arose
Give example of para-neoplastic syndrome affecting the CNS?
Eaton lambert syndrome
Give example of para-neoplastic syndrome affecting skin?
Hypertrichosis may manifest as sudden appearance of coarse hair on the face and ears
acanthosis nigrans
Give example of para-neoplastic syndrome affecting endocrine system?
Syndrome of Inappropiate Antidiuretic Hormone secretion (SIADH)
Give example of para-neoplastic syndrome affecting musculoskeletal system?
Hypertrophic osteotrophy
How do tumours present?
Effects of local disease (Ulcer/ bleed/ destroy)
An incidental finding eg screening (routine examinatuon)
Non-metastatic manifestation of malignancy
Consequence of distant spread