10 Preferences and the Budget Constraint Flashcards
How do people choose?
“People choose, out of the combination of market products which they can afford, the combination which they most prefer.”
What conditions are there for “well-behaved” preference relations? (4)
- Completeness - any two bundles can be compared
- Reflexivity - a bundle is weakly compared to itself
- Transitivity - if X is weakly preferred to Y and Y is weakly preferred to Z, then X is weakly preferred to Z.
- Continuity - the sets of bundles which are preferred to X, and the set of bundles to which X is preferred, are “closed” (contain their own boundaries)
What is a utility function?
A utility function is a continuous function such that:
X is weakly preferred to Y iff u(X) ≥ u(Y)
It assigns a real number to every possible bundle: more-preferred bundles get higher values.
“Utility” is an arbitrary term - it means benefit, good, advantage etc.
Production function vs utility function (3 aspects)
Indifference curves and isoquants
When drawn graphically, the slope of the of the curves is the marginal rate of substitution (MRS). It represents the trade-off between the combinations.
How do we show perfect substitutes diagrammatically?
How do we show perfect complements diagrammatically?
4 properties of indifference curves
- Indifference curves are downwards sloping
- Indifference curves are thin
- Indifference curves do not cross
- Indifference curves are (weakly) convex to the origin
What is meant by the ordinality of utility functions?
Even if the utility function is changes (e.g. by adding 10) the numbers associated with utility are different, but the preferences have not changed.
Order-preserving transformations examples (5)
What do positive monotonic transformations do? (3)
- Change the numerical value which we put on the indifference curves
- Do not numerically re-order their labels
- Do not change the shapes of the indifference curve maps
Why is there no “returns to scale” in consumer theory?
The ordinality of preference relations is why there is no meaningful version of “returns to scale” in consumer theory.
What is the budget set?