10. Physical activity in obesity management Flashcards
Aerobic and resistance exercise can favour the maintenance or improvements in ..?
cardiorespiratory fitness;
strength and muscle mass
Aerobic physical activity (30–60 minutes of moderate to
vigorous intensity most days of the week) can be considered
for adults who want to:
a) Achieve small amounts of body weight and fat loss (Level
2a, Grade B);1
b) Achieve reductions in abdominal visceral fat (Level 1a,
Grade A)2–4 and ectopic fat such as liver and heart fat
(Level 1a, Grade A),4 even in the absence of weight loss;
c) Favour weight maintenance after weight loss (Level 2a,
Grade B);1,5
d) Favour the maintenance of fat-free mass during weight
loss; (Level 2a, Grade B);6 and,
e) Increase cardiorespiratory fitness (Level 2a, Grade B)7
mobility (Level 2a, Grade B).8
For adults living with overweight or obesity, resistance training may promote ..?
weight maintenance or modest increases in
muscle mass or fat-free mass and mobility
Regular physical activity, with and without weight loss, can
improve many cardiometabolic risk factors in adults who
have overweight or obesity, including:
a) Hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity (Level 2b, Grade B)7,11,12
b) High blood pressure (Level 1a, Grade B);13,14
c) Dyslipidemia (Level 2a, Grade B).15,16
Regular physical activity can improve health-related quality
of life, mood disorders (i.e., depression, anxiety) and body image in adults with overweight or obesity - T/F
regular physical activity is associated with a lower prevalence of ….. and a lower incidence of …. disease
cardiovascular risk factors;
chronic disease
Increasing one’s level of which fitness is also associated with reduced risk of chronic disease and all-cause mortality, independent
of body mass index (BMI)
reduction of which activity during the day can also produce
health benefits, independently of levels of regular physical activity
sedentary activity
what is the recommendation of physical activity to improve health?
minimum of 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity on most days of the week, (accumulating at least 150 minutes per week),
engage in strength (resistance) activity at least 2 days per week;
reduce the amount of daily sedentary time.
which provide greater weight loss - exercise vs diet?
diet - 4kg;
exercise -2kg - significant but modest long-term weight loss
exercise alone is effective in reducing what?
abdominal fat;
can also occur in the absence of weight loss or changes in WC
Resistance training or its combination with aerobic training do not
seem to have a significant impact on abdominal visceral fat reduction
in comparison to control or aerobic training alone - T/F
T (maybe due to smaller sample size, and lower energy expenditure associated with resistance training compared to aerobic training)
In regard to abdominal obesity, as measured by waist circumference, reductions are dependent of exercise intensity. T/F
F - independent of intensity;
however, improvements in the cardiometabolic indices associated with abdominal visceral fat, as well as the increase of cardiorespiratory fitness in both women and men with abdominal
obesity, seem to be intensity dependent (e.g., glucose tolerance)
a recent meta-analysis on the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in adults with overweight or obesity showed that both cycling and running produce a significant reduction of total fat mass, abdominal fat mass and abdominal visceral fat in adults
with overweight or obesity, with no difference between the sex - T/F
which plays an important role in the association
between abdominal obesity and the increase in cardiovascular diseases risk?
ectopic fat (accumulation of fat at undesired sites - such as liver, the heart, the pancreas and the skeletal muscle)
that exercise alone could lead to a decrease in which part of the fat?
what about liver fat?
that exercise
alone could lead to a decrease in cardiac adiposity (e.g., epicardial
and pericardial fat) and in intra-hepatic lipids, although the effect
on the liver is greater when combined with dietary changes and
with greater decrease in BMI or body weight
which training, - aerobic vs resistance - had an effect on reducing abdominal visceral fat and showed a trend toward reducing liver fat in adults with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes?
what parameters should include in exercise prescription?
which group had the largest increase in insulin sensitivity and decrease in functional limitations - aerobic vs resistance vs combo
exercise (LALI), high-amount/low-intensity exercise (HALI) or highamount/high-intensity exercise (HAHI);
were there difference in body weight and WC?
were there difference in cardiorespiratory fitness?
not in reduction in body weight, WC (however, compliance was highly variable)
yes - dose-response relationship
at this time there is no
clear evidence that HIIT(high intensity interval training) causes more fat loss compared to moderate
intensity exercise. - T/F
Compared with the high frequency group, the low frequency group had a greater decrease in weight (9.6 kg vs. 7.8 kg)
and a greater increase in daily steps - T/F
However, it was not clear if
the greater number of steps was due to better compliance to the
protocol or a greater number of steps outside of the prescribed
improvements in postprandial glucose and especially insulin sensitivity can occur with exercise training of sufficient volume and intensity, but improvements in what are not typically observed in the absence of large weight loss.
fasting glucose
They suggest that exercise reduces blood pressure by how much through HIIT and resistance training?
5mmHg systolic; 3mmHg diastolic
what affect does exercise cause in blood lipids and lipoproteins??
many showed improvement in lipid and lipoprotein risk factors - total cholesterol and TG;
HDL-C results was heterogeneous;
LDL-C less likely affected;
increases in cardiorespiratory fitness are proportional to the volume and intensity of exercise. T/F
what does exercise affect in quality of life and mental health?
efficacy to improve mood disorders in adults with overweight or obesity is less conclusive