10- Muscles of the Face Flashcards
Obicularis oculi
Sphincter muscle of eyelid, surrounds rim of orbit.
Protects eyes from intense light, produces blinking squinting, and draws eyebrows inferiority.
Corrugator supercilii
Small muscle, associated with obicularis oculi.
Draws eyebrows together, wrinkles skin of forehead vertically.
Cheekbone to corner of the mouth.
Raises lateral corners, smiling muscle.
Slender, inferior and lateral to zygomaticus.
Draws corners of lip laterally. Tenses lips, synergist of zygomaticus.
Levator labii superioris
Between orbicularis oris and inferior eye margin.
Opens lips, raises and furrows upper lip.
Depressor labii inferioris
From mandible to lower lip.
Draws lower lip inferiority. Pout.
Depressor anguli oris
Lateral to depressor labii inferioris.
Zygomaticus antagonist, draws corners of mouth downward and laterally. Tragedy mask grimace.
Orbicularis oris
Muscles of the lips, fibers run in different directions, mainly circulatory.
Closes lips, purses and protrudes lips. Kissing and whistling.
V shaped muscle mass on chin.
Protrudes lower lip, wrinkles chin.
Horizontal cheek muscle, muscle of cheek, deep to masseter.
Draws corner of mouth laterally, whistling and sucking, holds food between teeth during chewing, developed in nursing infants.
Unpaired, not strictly a head muscle , plays a role in facial expression.
Depress mandible, pulls lower lip back and down . Produces downward sag of mouth, tenses skin of neck.