10) Muscle Function During Gait Flashcards
- A manner or style of walking, running or any other form of repetitive bipedal human locomotion
- Distance covered from a given point on the foot to the same point on the other foot during one half of a gait cycle
- Distance covered by a given point on the foot during one complete cycle of gait
- Number of steps per minute
Phases of gait
- Stance (60%)
- Swing (40%)
Periods of stance phase
- Contact (27%)
- Midstance (40%)
- Propulsion (33%)
Double stance phasic gait
- ie. “Walking”
- Both feet on the ground at the same time
Double float phasic gait
- ie. “Running”
- Both feet off the ground at the same time
Shear vs. compression In lesion formation
- > 10 Newtons (~70 Lbs/inch)
will cause tissue breakdown - Shear increases the effect of compression (positive linear relationship)
Combined vertical/horizontal forces on lower extremity
- Point of maximum compensation (PMC) at midstance
- Lower at contact, highest at midstance, lower at propulsion
Ambulatory muscle sequencing
- Generally tend to fire in groups
- Demonstrate a “silent” period during swing phase
- Extensors are biphasic
Tendency of muscles to fire in groups
- “Stairstep mobilization”
- Largest muscles tend toward dominancy
- No intrinsic activity during contact period
Muscles demonstrates a “silent” period during swing phase
- Occurs between 80-90% of total gait cycle
- Ends one phase of biphasic extensors
Extensors are biphasic
- Silent during swing phase
- Silent again during midstance period of stance phase
Superficial posterior group firing
- Soleus before gastrocnemius
- Gastrocnemius longer than soleus
Deep posterior muscle group firing
- Tibialis posterior longest firing muscle
- FHL & FDL begin @ ffl
Peroneal muscle group firing
- Begin & and at ~ same time
Extensor muscle group firing
- Biphasic except for Peroneus tertius
- Peroneus tertius with EDL
- Tibialis anterior comes closest to midstance
Dorsal intrinsic muscle group firing
Plantar intrinsic muscle group firing
- Largest muscle is shortest firing (FDB)
- Longest firing muscle is FHB
Muscle sequencing group names
- Superficial posterior
- Deep posterior
- Peroneal
- Extensor
- Dorsal intrinsic
- Plantar intrinsic
Quadriceps muscle group firing
- Begins in last 1/3rd of swing phase
- Fire at heel strike, throughout contact period
- Ends in midstance
Hamstrings muscle group firing
- Begins during last ½ of swing phase
- Spans contact period
- Inactive during midstance and propulsion
Adductor muscle group firing
- Active during propulsive period
Iliopsoas muscle group firing
- Begins during propulsive period
- Ends during swing phase
Deep gluteal muscle group firing
- Begins with midstance period
- Ends in swing phase
Superficial gluteal muscle group firing
- Begins late swing phase
- Ends at beginning of propulsive period
Above the knee muscle sequencing group names
- Quadriceps
- Hamstrings
- Adductors
- Iliopsoas group
- Deep gluteal group
- Superficial gluteal group