1.0 Introduction to Urban Land Developments Flashcards
What is Urban development?
It’s a development, with an urban character by its scale, intensity, visual character, and the dominance of built structures, existing amenities and available services, etc. It relies on reticulated services such as water supply, wastewater, stormwater and roads.
What is Land development?
It’s the process in which you make improvements to a piece of land. It is a complex process that involves the evaluation, planning, engineering and construction of improvements on a piece of land based on codes and regulations set by the municipality and regulatory agencies.
Regulated by a local government (municipality)
Municipalities derive their power from Local Government Act and Community Charter
Land use in cities, towns and districts is regulated by OCP, zoning and other bylaws such as: environmental sensitive areas, flood plain, traffic, parking and loading, regulation of signs, soil deposition etc.
Typical Urban Land Uses
Single-family, multi-family (low, medium-high-density), commercial, industrial, institutional, parks and open spaces
Rules, Regulations, and Bylaws
-Agricultural Land Commission Act
-Drinking Water Protection Act
-Environmental Assessment Act
-Engineers and Geoscientists Act
-Fisheries Act/Fisheries Protection Act
-Health Act (sewage)
-BC Building Code
-Public Health Act
-Municipal Sewage Regulation
-Utilities Commission Act
-Water Act
What does LGA do
From the LGA, Zoning Bylaws regulate, and choose the use of land, density, and siting
Neighbourhood Plans
The neighbourhood plan will set a vision for the future. It can be detailed or general. Communities use neighbourhood planning to influence the type, design, location and mix of new development within the bounds of existing district level planning policies.