10. Flight Instruments Flashcards
What are the two categories of flight instruments?
What are the Static Instruments? (3)
- Altimeter
- Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
- Air Speed Indicator (ASI)
What are the Gyroscopic instruments?
- Artificial Horizon - attitude indicator
- Heading indicator
- Turn Co-ordinator
How does a pitot tube sense air?
Statically - Actual air pressure
Dynamically - AC Moving
What can prevent erroneous indications on pitot system?
Double or triple redundancy
- In flight heating to prevent icing
- Covers on ground to prevent water ingress and blockages
How does an altimeter subscale affect readings?
Setting a higher pressure on the subscale will cause the altimeter to overread
Setting a lower pressure on the subscale will cause the altimeter to underread
What is the VSI?
The Vertical Speed Indicator shows the RATE of
climb or descent in feet per minute. If the
needle is on zero, the aircraft is flying level.
Calibrated in 100ft/minute divisions
What are the problems with VSI?
There is always a slight lag in the instrument and between six and nine seconds of steady climb, descent or level flight must elapse before an
accurate reading is displayed.
What is an ASI?
How does it work?
Airspeed Indicator
As the aircraft begins to move, the on-rushing
air will result in a greater pressure in the pitot
tube (Static + Dynamic) and, by subtracting the
static pressure, the ASI can indicate the speed at
which the aircraft moves through the air.
Displayed on a PFD what are the speed indicators?
White = VF - Flap Operating Speed range
Green = VNO - Normal Operating Speeds
Yellow = VO - Max. Manoeuvring Speed
Red = VNE - Never Exceed Speed
What should the errors in the ASI not exceed?
3%, or 5kt.
What happens of the pitot is blocked?
no dynamic pressure - airspeed will read the same.
Descend - over read
Ascend – under read
What is a Magnetic Compass?
First flight instrument
Mandatory in all AC
What are the errors in a magnetic compass?
Accelartion Error
How to reduce deviation in magnetic compasses?
- Periodic checks
- Checked at 30’ increments on a compass swing.
Compass correction card
How is indicated airspeed read?
IAS depends on the density of the air, which varies with ambient temperature and
pressure; thus, the IAS is only a measure of the speed over the ground in still air