10-F Limb Development, Brachial Plexus Flashcards
Identify the spinal cord segments associated with each limb bud.
upper limbs C5-T1, lower limbs L2- S3
When does embryonic limb development begin and end?
begins at 3-4 weeks and is finished in 8 weeks, note lower limb development is a “little behind” upper limb development
The radius is comparable to which bone in the lower limb and why?
radius is comparable to the tibia and this is somewhat confusing because the lower limb undergoes 180 deg rotation associated with upright posture
Nerves that supply the limbs come form what rami and carry what types of fibers?
ventral rami, carrying somatomotor, general sensory, post ganglionic sympathetic and proprioceptive
Distinguish between pre axial and post axial aspects of the limb.
the upper/cranial border of the limb is called the pre axial border (thumb side) and the lower/caudal margin is called the post axial border (little finger side)– note in the lower limb, the groin side is considered the pre axial side because of the lower limb rotation
Which vessels lay on the pre and post axial sides of the upper and lower limbs?
upper limb: cephalic vein is pre axial while basilica is post axial, note that the greater saphenous vein is pre axial
The limb is a sack of ____ filled with _____ (developed from ____ ____ ____) which forms connective tissue elements of the limb.
The limb is a sack of ectoderm filled with mesoderm (developed from lateral plate mesoderm) which forms connective tissue elements of the limb.
The ____ ____ ____ is important factor in outgrowth of the limb
apical ectodermal ridge
Myogenic cells that migrate (dragging their nerve supply with them) comes from a specific part of the somite called the _____ which form the body wall and limb muscles (innervated by ventral rami.
hypo mere
Preaxial masses are innervated by fibers “dragged” from _____ and post axial masses are innervated by fibers from _____
pre axial C5,6,7
post axial C8, T1
Preaxial and post axial muscles split into two groups ___ and ___ which further develop how?
anterior and posterior which go on to fuse with its matching pair
What are the general functions of the anterior compartment and posterior compartment?
anterior: flexion
posterior: extension
T/F the flexor/extensor pattern can be seen in the arrangement of the motor neurons in the spinal cord?
The prexial muscles tend to be innervated by the _____ segmental levels whereas the muscles closest to the post axial border tend to be innervated by the ____ levels
highest- pre axial, lowest- post axial
Flexor muscles of the pectoral girdle are generally attached tot eh ____, _____ and ____ while extensor muscles are attached to the _____.
clavicle, coracoid and subraglenoid tubercle; scapula
Which motor nerves serve the posterior/extensor vs. the anterior/flexor parts of the arm, forearm and hand
posterior/extensor: radial
The dermatome of the thumb is ___ while the dermatome of the pinky finger is ____.
thumb C6, pinky C8 (first two fingers C7)
Which are the anti or division nerves of the leg? Which are the posterior division nerves of the leg?
anterior division: tibial and obturator nerve; posterior division nerves: femoral and fibular nerve (peroneal)
What is the dermatome of the little toe and the big toe?
little two S1, big toe, L4/5
Brachial plexus is formed from the ____ rami.
ventral rami of the spinal nerves
Describe which nerve innervates muscle at the shoulder, elbow, wrist and intrinsic muscles of the hands.
shoulder C5-6, elbow C6-7, wrist C7-8, hand C8-T1 (C5 and C6 innervated the muscles from the scapula)
Movements of the shoulder girdle hinge on which joint?
the sternoclavicular joint
Shoulder joint flexion and extension occurs at which joint?
glenohumeral joint
What are the general movements at the shoulder girdle?
elevation/depression, retraction and protraction, lateral and medial rotation
Actions at the shoulder joint
abduction/adduction; internal and external rotation, extension/flexion
Action of the elbow/knee.
flexion and extension
The roots are formed from what?
C5-T1 ventral roots (supply both the anterior and posterior compartments)
Name the trunks and what contributes to the trunks.
upper (C5-6), middle (C7), lower (C8-T1)
What are the cords and what contributes to their formation?
cords of the plexus result from separation of the anterior and posterior nerve fibers into three cords: lateral, posterior, and medial cord (named in relation to the axillary artery)
Which nerves arise from the anterior cord?
(form an M) musculocutaneous, median and ulnar nerves
What are the muscles of the flexor arm and how are they innervated
biceps brachia, bachialis and coracobrahcialis innervated by the musculocutaneous n. (C5-7) (musculocutaneuous also branches to the lateral ante brachial cutaneous nerve)
What does the radial nerve innervate and what spinal cord levels contribute to this nerve?
radial nerve serves all of the posterior/extensor muscles supplied from C5-T1
What does the median nerve innervate and what spinal nerves contribute to this nerve?
innervates most muscles of the anterior forearm and a couple of the hand, contributed to by C5-T1 **associated with carpal tunnel
What does the ulnar nerve innervate?
couple of anterior forearm muscles and majority of muscles in the hand, some skin
What nerve branches from the spinal roots right away?
long thoracic nerve from C5,6,7 caries fibers tot eh serratus anterior muscle (extensor) and the dorsal scapular n. (branch of C5)
Name two ways the nerves of the brachial plexus can be damaged.
hyperextension of the head leading to evulsion of the rootlets or fractured vertebral body can crush the spinal cord at cervical levels
Name nerves that branch off the trunks.
supra scapula (upper trunk), subclavius (upper trunk)
Name the nerves that branch from the cords
medial and lateral pectoral n. (anterior and lateral cords), upper, middle and lower sub scapular (posterior cord) and medial ante brachial cutaneous (distal medial cord)
What region does the superior (supreme) thoracic artery supply? (1st region axillary artery)
passes medially to supply the first two intercostal space
What region does the lateral thoracic supply? (2nd region axillary artery)?
aries at the lateral border of the pectorals minor , supplies pectorals minor and serratus anterior muscles
What area is served by the sub scapular?
the largest branch of the axillary artery, splits into the circumflex scapular and the thoracodorsal arteries
What area is served by the circumflex scapular artery?
passes around the lateral border of the scapula to reach the posterior surface supply the infraspinatus and anastomosing with the subclavian artery
What does the thoracodorsal supply?
latissimus dorsi muscle
What does the anterior and posterior humeral circumflex serve?
passes around the surgical neck of the humorous beneath the deltoid, serves the deep surface of the humerus and surrounding muscle
Name the three branches of the subclavian artery that supply the axillary region.
traverse cervical a. (anastomose with sub scapular), dorsal scapular and suprascapualr (anastomoses with the circumflex scapular
What is one significant collateral route that can bypass a blockage in the first part of the axillary artery
anterior intercostals and lateral thoracic artery