10- Diverse Learners Flashcards
What does TESOL add to this definition?
Professionalism, indiv language rights accessible, high quality edu, collab in global communication, and interaction of research and reflective practice for edu improvement, respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
What is ACTFL’s policy concerning teaching language to all learners?
Developing a teaching and learning environment that reflects the diversity of am society from SES bgs, linguistic and cultural, all children should have the opp to learn and access to quality edu
What are the differences between learners?
Motivation Ethnic and natl origin
Learning goals Gender
Aptitude Linguistic and cultural heritage
need for instructional assistance
What is a type of diversity that affects language teachers
Heritage speakers
English language learners
Multiple intelligences
Gardner: intelligence a capacity to process a certain kind of information
9 multiple intelligences
intrapersonal interpersonal logical verbal kinesthetic visual musical naturalist existential
personal intelligences
academic intelligences
4 key elements to gardner’s theory 1
- everyone possesses all intelligences and others may exist
4 elements gardner 2
- most of us have some of the intelligences highly developed, the others are moderate or underdeveloped, but can all be brought up to moderate
gardner’s theory 3
- the intelligences usually work in concert & not alone
gardner’s theory 4
there are many ways to demonstrate intelligence within chaque categorie
Learning Style
a general approach a student uses to learn
5 learning styles
- analytical v global
- sensory preferences
- intuitive/random v sensory/sequential learning
- orientation to closure
- competition-cooperation
analytic v global
detail oriented: grammar details, don’t like comm activities, hate guessing
holistic: main idea, interaction, like guessing
sensory preferences
visual: read, hate oral input
auditory: conversations, hate written work
hands-on: movement & objects, hate sitting
intuitive/ random and sensory/ sequential learning
type of org learners prefer,
intuitive/random: abstract, nonsequential, random, sense of global picture
sensory/sequential: step-by-step, ordered presentation in linear order, difficulty w big picture
orientation to closure
degree of need for conclusion/ambiguity tolerance
closure: spell out all rules, all about org
open: osmosis, more effective language learning
competitive: motivated by competition, winning of utmost importance
cooperative: working with others in helpful, supportive situation and social strategies
problem when teacher’s style differs from students:
teachers teach how they prefer and have trouble differentiating instruction, can be combated by self and student assessment, be a multisensory teacher w learning activities that appeal to different styles
language learning strategies
anything a student does to aid in language learning, behaviors steps and techniques
how can teachers help students w strategies?
identify current strategy and how to improve, det how to integrate strategy training into regular action, consider motivations and attitudes, prepare material and activities, train students in new strategies, eval, and revise
Disability definition
a mental or physical impairment that interferes with major life activity
Inclusion in terms of disability
students who have phys, mental, or emotional impairments now part of reg classroom and receive special accomodations
13 defined categories of disabilities 1-7
- autism
- deafness
- deaf-blindness
- development delay
- emotional disturbance
- hearing impairment
- health impairment
13 categories 8-14
- specific learning disability
- speech impairment
- language impairment
- traumatic brain injury
- visual impairment
- diabetes
Individualized educational programs
individualized family service plans
statement of current functional peformance, annual goals which services where and how, how they will interact with non-disabled children, how to measure progress and role in statewide tests
504 Plan
explicitly outlines services and accomodations for students who require special assistance but whose disabilities may not fall into IDEA legislation
Special Cognitive Needs and Accomodations 1-4
- communicate specific expectations and constantly monitor student progress
- give specific explanations and instructions orally and visually, step by step
- provide a variety of activities, some w movement
- get students on task immediately
special cognitive needs and accomodations 5-8
- display student work
- choose reading selections, writing assignments, and presentation topics related to student interests
- provide choices of activities and higher level activities
- have students repeat HW instructions, begin assignment to monitor and help
Learning Disorder
disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written language, manifesting in ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell or do math
Attention Deficit Disorder: heightened awareness of environmental stimuli and diminished awareness of of edu environment
attention-deficit hyperactive disorder
occupational defiant disorder: anti-auth, does opposite of what is told.