10 Autopilot Flashcards
What are the different Autopilot channels?
- Roll
- Pitch
- Rudder
With regards to the autopilot, describe the Inner Loop
- Inner Loop provides control and stability of the AC
- Manipulates the control surfaces in order to control the AC attitude
- Attitude is maintained against a datum
With regards to the autopilot, describe the Outer Loop
- Outer Loop provides guidance of the AC
- Updates the datum by which the Inner Loop works against
With regards to the autopilot, describe a Closed Loop including the downside of using it
- A Closed Loop provides feedback from the control surface vs the input control
- Provides a measured response
- The type of loop used for the AP system
- Can cause self induced oscillations
With regards to the autopilot, describe an Open Loop
- Open Loop provides no feedback
- Only aware that a control surface is moving
- Not suitable for an AP system
What is an Actuator?
An Actuator is a mechanism for converting an electrical signal to a mechanical movement
What does it mean if the Actuators are in:
- Series
- Parallel
- Series: Movement of the control surface is not replicated by the control column
- Parallel: Movement of the control surface is replicated by the control column
With regards to the AP, what is Automatic Synchronisation?
- Process by which the AP system follows the pilots inputs, ready to take over when required
- Ensure a smooth engagement of the AP
- Operates whilst the AP is disengaged
- Requires the AC to be in trim to allow engagement
What is Autotrim?
- Operates whilst the AP is engaged
- AP system constantly trims the AC during flight
- Ensures a smooth disengagement of the AP
- Prevents ‘snatching’ of the controls
- Use of manual trim leads to the disengagement of the AP
With regards to Autopilot, what is Control Wheel Steering (CWS)?
- Allows the pilot to manually fly the AC with the AP still engaged
- Uses AP actuators
- Modes for roll or pitch can be selected
- FMA mode must be re-selected after
With regards to Autopilot, what is Touch Control (Wheel) Steering (TCS / TWS)?
- Allows pilot to manually fly the AC with the AP still engaged
- Uses the normal actuators
- AP goes into a ‘Pause’ mode
- Reverts to the previous mode after
What is the ‘very’ basic function of the Autopilot?
To stabilise the AC around it’s CoG
When crossing the cone of confusion of a VOR, what does the Roll channel of the Auto Pilot do?
- The Over Station Sensor detects the AC is over the station
- The Roll channel switches to Heading mode temporarily maintains the heading
If a pilot engages Control Wheel Steering (CWS) and carries out a manoeuvre in roll, when the control wheel is released what will the auto pilot do?
Maintain the the flight attitude obtained at that moment
If the automatic synchronisation of the AP fails what happens?
The AP will be prevented from engaging
What are the basic AP modes?
- Pitch attitude hold
- Horizontal wing hold
What are the vertical flight path modes of an autopilot system?
- FMS vertical navigation
- Flight path angle hold
- Glide slope intercept and track
- Altitude hold
Among other parameters, which of the following are used by the Auto Pilot system:
- Altitude
- Attitude
- Vertical speed
- Inertial position
- Temperature
- GPS position
- Fuel Flow
- Heading
- Altitude
- Attitude
- Vertical speed
- Heading