10. Applied Biology [DEFINITIONS] Flashcards
The food and agriculture organization (FAO) defines aquaculture as the farming of aquatic organisms, fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants.
An aquarium is a container that is designed to hold water in which living organisms can be maintained over an extended period of time.
A nursery is a specialized place for young plants and seedlings to be produced for transplanting in another place.
Tissue Culture
Tissue culture or Cell culture is the culture of free living cells or group of similar cells.
Separation is a propagation method where naturally detachable structures (ex: rhizomes, bulbs and corms) are used
During division, it involves cutting or dividing the plant into sections with both roots and stems (ex: stolons and rooted runners)
Cutting propagation is one of the most important clonal regeneration technique used in horticulture industry (for ornamental plants, fruit trees) where adventitious root formation is a prerequisite
Layering is a method of vegetative propagation where stems are rooted which attached to the parent plant
Grafting is joining two separate plants so that they later function as one healthy plant that has the best characteristics of two parent plants.
Food Preservation
Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food to stop or greatly slow down spoilage (loss of quality, edibility, or nutritive value) caused or accelerated by micro-organisms.
Postharvest Losses
Food losses that occur along the food supply chain from harvesting of a crop until its consumption is postharvest losses.
Dengue is a vector borne disease which is caused by an arbovirus which is a RNA virus
Dengue is a vector borne disease which is caused by an arbovirus which is a RNA virus
Filariasis is one of the oldest debilitating diseases in the world being one of the major leading causes of permanent and long term disability.
Nanotechnology is an emerging science involved in designing, building and manipulating minute structures at a nanometer level.
Stem Cells
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells which can give rise to cells of the same type that can divide by mitosis without a limit (or at least for the lifetime of the animal)
Adult Stem Cells
Adult stem cells are found throughout the body after development and are present in many tissues.