10 Flashcards
Ant sensory or motor inpulse to reach cerebellum must pass through?
Cerebellar relay neuclei
The site of Gracile and cuneate nuclei
Site of cerebellar relay nuclei ?
Function of gracile and cuniate nucleus ?
2nd order neuron Receive kinethesia , discriminative touch , vibration from the same side if the body .
In gracile and coniate nuclei after receving sensory from same side ?
Decussation of their axons
Gracile and coniate nuclei :
1- 2nd order neuron
2- their fibers fuse form internal arcuate fiber
3- their fibers cross forminig medial
Accessory (lateral)coneate nucleus function ?
Receive proprioceptive sensation
Accessory (lateral)coneate nucleus specific for ?
Which of the following not crossing tract ?
Accessory (lateral)coneate nucleus
The fiber passing from M.O to cerebellum only through ?
Inf.cerebellar peduncle
Axons originate from Accessory (lateral)coneate nucleus are called?
Coneucerebellar tract or dorsal external arcuate fbers
Which of the following nuclei is misplaced pontine nucleus ?
Arcuate nuclei
Arcuate nuclei spicially located in ?
Pyramid with CST
Explain the pathway of arcuate nuclei?
1- Receive fibers from cerebral cortex by pyramidal pathaway
2- their axons extend forming “arcuato-cerebellar fibers”
3-arcuatocerebellar fibers are 2 types
1) stria medullaris of the 4th ventricke (oppisite side)
2)ventral external atcuate fibers (same)
How many stria medullaris do we have?
1-SM of the 4th ventricle
2- SM thalamai
what are the non-cranial nerve nuclei of the midbrain ?
1- substantia nigra
2-red nuclei
any extrapyramidal tract originate from pons is
is extensor
horner’s syndrome caused due to ?
interruption of sympathetic NS above the level of T1
symptoms of horner’s syndrome
P.M is FEAr ;(
- Ptosis: drooping of the upper eyelid due to paralysis of Muller s muscle.
- Miosis: constriction of the pupil due to paralysis of the dilator pupillae.
- Anhidrosis: dry face due to paralysis of the sweat glands.
- Enophthalmos: retraction of the eyeball.
- Flushing: the face is red and warm due to vasodilation of skin blood vessels.