1 - Triangles and Root of the Neck Flashcards
What are the bones of the neck?
The temporal bone (mastoid process and styloid process), mandible, hyoid, clavicle, and sternum.
What are the attachments of the sternocleidomastod muscle? What is it’s innervation?
Mastoid process and the sternum and clavicle.
Innervation: Accessory nerve - CN XI motor and C2, C3 nerves proprioception (sensory) and pain
What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle unilaterally and bilaterally?
Unilaterally: lateral flexion to the same side and rotation to opposite side
Bilaterally: cervical flexion
What are the attachments of the scalene muscles? What is their innervation and action?
Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae and first two ribs.
Bilaterally assist in neck flexion and raise the first t ribs.
Innervation: ventral rami of cervical nerves.
What are some important landmarks near the scalene muscles?
Subclavian gap between anterior and middle scalene: subclavian ARTERY goes through this ( not the vein).
Phrenic nerve comes out between the middle and anterior scalene and sits on top of anterior scalene.
What are the suprahyoid muscles?
Mylohyoid, digastric (anterior and posterior), stylohyoid, and geniohyoid.
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
Omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid.
What is the superficial cervical fascia between? What does it contain?
The dermis of the skin and the investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
Cuteaneous nerves, blood, and lymphatic vessels.
Anteriorly contains the platysma muscle.
What are the layers of the deep cervical fascia?
- Superficial investing fascia
- Pretracheal fascia
- Prevertebral fascia
Describe the superficial investing fascia (part of the deep cervical fascia). What is it’s function?
Surrounds entire neck deep to skin and superficial fascia.
Splits into superficial and deep layers to invest the traps and sternocleidomastoid muscles.
Protects head from getting bacteria from skin.
Where is the thin pretracheal layer of deep cervical fascia located? What are it’s layers?
Anterior part of neck.
This muscular layer that encloses the infrahyoid muscles and a visceral layer that encloses the thyroid gland, trachea, and esophagus.
What is the visceral layer of the pretracheal layer of deep fascia continuous with?
The buccopharyngeal fascia, which separates the esophagus from the prevertebral fascia.
As the prevertebral fascia approaches the anterior tubercles of the vertebrae where it attaches, it contributes to the posterior portion of the ______ ______?
Carotid sheath.
The prevertebral fascia splits into two laminae , ______ and ______.
Alar fascia (anterior)
Prevertebral fascia (posterior)
What are the contents of the carotid sheath?
IC 10 CC’s in the IV
Internal carotid artery, cranial nerve 10 (vagus), Common carotid artery, and the internal jugular vein.
Why is the prevertebral space called “danger space 4”?
Beccause here the pretracheal fascia extends inferiorly from the hyoid bone into the thorax where it blends with the fibrous pericardium around the heart.
1/2 of people with infection here will die because infection spreads to heart and lungs.
What does the thyocervical trunk arise from and what does it give off?
Arises from subclavian.
Gives off: suprascapular artery, transverse cervical artery, inferior thyroid artery, and the ascending cervical artery.
What are the branches of the external carotid artery?
Some Angry Ladies Fight Off PMS!
- Superior thyroid
- Ascending pharyngeal
- Lingual
- Facial
- Occipital
- Posterior auricular
- Superficial temporal
- Maxillary
What are the contents of the submandibular triangle?
Submandibular gland, submandibular lymph nodes, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), merve to mylohyoid, facial artery, and facial vein.
What are the contents of the Submental triangle?
Submental lymph nodes, tributaries of the anterior jugular vein, and geniohyoid muscle (deep).
What are the contents of the muscular triangle?
Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, and omohyoid muscles as well as the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
What does the carotid triangle contain?
Common carotid a, internal carotid a, external carotid a; the internal jugular vein and vagus nerve (CN X), spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), and hypoglossal nerve (CN XII); the ansa cervicalis and the transverse cervical nerve; and cervical branch of the facial nerve.
What are the two subdivisions of the posterior triangle?
The occipital triangle and the omoclavicular triangle.
What are the contents of the occipital triangle?
Ex. jugular vein, branches of cervical plexus, accessory nerve, trunks of brachial plexus, transverse cervical artery, and cervical lymph nodes.
What are the contents of the omoclavicular triangle?
Subclavian artery, subclavian vein, suprascapular artery, and supraclavicular lymph nodes.
When is a neck wound considered a penetrating neck wound?
If it penetrates the platysma.
What is zone III of the neck? What is located here?
Between the angle of the mandible and the base of the skull.
Distal carotid and vertebral arteries; some segments of jugular veins.
What is zone II of the neck? What is located here?
Between the cricoid cartilage and the angle of the mandible.
Carotid and vertebral arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and trachea.
What is zone I of the neck? What is located here?
Inferior to the cricoid cartilage.
Trachea, great vessels, upper mediastinum. lung apices, thoracic duct.
Mortality in zone I is the highest of all three zones!!!