1. Transnationalisation of Production and Consumption Flashcards
What is the definition of transnationalisation?
Heightened interconnectivity between people and the receding economic and social significance of boundaries among states
Michael Porter’s concept?
Industrial firms value chains 1980
What is a value chain?
An integrated set of value creating processes and activities leading to the supply of a product or service
Need to be coordinated and linked together by the management/technology
How best to do this to be most competitive
Where geographically
Who came up with value chains and what year?
Michael Porter 1980
What strategic decisions are made by the firm with regards to value chains?
Where to locate value adding activities
How to design them
What is the firms objective of value chains?
Cost minimisation or product differentiation
Why are strategic decisions made in value chains?
To determine where and how to gain competitive advantage
Why is a value chain constantly changing?
New products/processes
Competitors strategic decisions
5 Criticisms of Porter’s value chains
- Only one firm- limited understanding of global production and consumption
- Not sufficient in understanding the broader global economy
- Unconcerned with how value chains are embedded in the economy and society
- narrow focus on technicalities NOT on impact on society and economies or how they’re shaped by them - Doesn’t seek to understand firms relationships with other actors e.g gov, trade unions (crucial in no.3)
- Relationship with states under-theorised
Who introduced the idea of commodity chains and when?
Gary Gereffi 1994
What did Gary Gereffit introduce and when?
Commodity chains 1994
Commodity chain definition
“Sets of inter-organisational networks clustered around one commodity or product, linking households, enterprises and states to one another within the world economy”
Why commodity chains?
“Big US Buyers have shaped production networks… in the worlds most dynamic exporting countries… of East Asia” Gereffi
Commodity chains interested in what about East Asia
The impact of big US firms on east Asia- do they benefit or disadvantage them?
How interacting and shaping the economy and society
How they take advantage of existing conditions in these countries
How they integrate themselves into another country
Commodity chain example of big US company
Nike 1970/ off-shored their production to factories in east Asia
Wanted cheap and efficient production