[1] RED Stages Flashcards
RED Stages
(1) Site Acquisition
(2) Construction and Sale
(3) Completion and Occupancy
(4) Property Management
(5) Resale
(6) Enbloc
(7) Public or Private Redevelopment
SG Legal System
Common Law - 2 Sources of Law
(1) legislation/statutes
(2) case law/judge made
Judicial Structure
Hierarchy of Courts
(1) State
(2) High
(3) Appeal
Doctrine of Binding Precedent
Lower courts are bound by higher courts, provided if no material difference in cases (debatable)
Doctrine of Tenures and Estates
Legal concept that all land belongs to the state (Feudal origins of land law)
Normans Conquest
SLA Section 3A
States power to alienate land - Stae may issue grants in fee simple, in perpetuity, leases, and TOL:
- as parcel of surface earth…as is reasonable for use and enjoyment
- as parcel of airpsace or subterranean space
- down to a depth as the president may order direct
SLA Section 3B
Such depth of subterranean space as is specified in the State title for that land
Or if not specified, subterranean space to -30m from the Singapore Heigh Datum
LTA Section 4B
Any Defined Parcel Can Be Owned
LTA Section 4(1)
Land includes fixtures
(1) Degree of Annexation
(2) Purpose of Annexation
(1) Estate in Fee Simple
indefinite ownership, no rent, upon death passes on
(2) Estate in Perpetuity/State Land Grant
payment of rent to state, use is specified, subject to right of way, collector and officers permitted to enter (created under SLA)
(3) Life Estate
Estate in Perpetuity/SLG condition breach
state may take any step to re-enter
non-payment of rent: state has right to sell as empowered under Land Revenue Collection Act Section 5
Life Estate
Rights of life tenant will end when he dies, revert to original owner or passed on to another person as identified by original owner
life tenants pays all property taxes and insurance while in possession
Residential & Commercial 99
Industrial 60
State Land Rules, Rule 10 - topping up
Governed by SLA
Does not create tenancy and confers no proprietary interest. No exclusive right to occupation
Mineral Deposits State Lands Act
Right to enter upon any land, search for, and take any minerals
Building Restrictions
Planning Act
Building Control Act
Airspace Restrictions
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) Act
consulted on height limit that falls within green zone
prior to installation of tall structures
tall construction equipment within red zone, CAAS needs to be consulted only if proposed building exceeds 150m ASML