1. Nouns Flashcards
the german history
die deutsche Geschichte
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
an artificial dentition
ein künstliches Gebiss
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
the heavy luggage
das schwere Gepäck
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
the tenth commandment
das zehnte Gebot
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
the frequent use
der häufige Gebrauch
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
an acute danger
eine akute Gefahr
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a terrible crowd
ein fürchterliches Gedränge
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a young journeyman/fellow
ein junger Geselle
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
= Name of male or female
a strict law
ein strenges Gesetz
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
the bitter taste
der bittere Geschmack
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a political conversation
ein politisches Gespräch
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a clever thought
ein kluger Gedanke
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a lyrical poem
ein lyrisches Gedicht
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a fixed fee
eine feste Gebühr
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a petite/delicate figure
eine zierliche Gestalt
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
an easy birth
eine leichte Geburt
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a tingling (picotement) sensation
ein prickelndes Gefühl
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a modest profit
ein bescheidener Gewinn
Most nouns with the prefix Ge- are neuter, although there are about a dozen common masculines and a dozen common feminines.
a historical event
ein historisches Ereignis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
the official permission
die offizielle Erlaubnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
an important discovery
eine wichtige Erkenntnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
an open confession
ein offenes Bekenntnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
a terrible experience
ein schreckliches Erlebnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
a public nuisance
ein öffentliches Ärgernis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
the urgent need
das dringende Bedürfnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
a solemn funeral
ein feierliches Begräbnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
an open confession
ein offenes Geständnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
a complete list/index/catalogue
ein vollständiges Verzeichnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
the nocturnal darkness
die nächtliche Finsternis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
From adjective
the detailed knowledge
die eingehende Kenntnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
an open secret
ein offenes Geheimnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
a new prison
ein neues Gefängnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
a friendly relationship
ein freundschaftliches Verhältnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
an old certificate
ein altes Zeugnis
Nouns with the suffix -nis may be feminine (30%) or neuter (70%).
the French revolution
die Französische Revolution
-TION = feminine
a new novel
ein neuer Roman
an artificial organ
ein künstliches Organ
-AN: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
an official form
ein amtliches Formular
-AR: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the young trainee
der junge Referendar
-AR: masculine when referring to persons
a german adjective
ein deutsches Adjektiv
-IV: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the Bavarian high school diploma
das bayerische Abitur
the beautiful nature
die schöne Natur
-UR: feminine
the vast Atlantic
der weite Atlantik
the general panic
die allgemeine Panik
-IK: feminine
the German drama
das deutsche Drama
-MA: neuter
the expensive gas
das teure Benzin
Chemical elements in -IN: neuter
the dangerous cocaine
das gefährliche Kokain
Chemical terms in -IN: neuter
an English university
eine englische Universität
-TÄT: feminine
the cheap electricity
die preisgünstige Elektrizität
-TÄT: feminine
the modern villa
die moderne Villa
-A: feminine
a comfortable sofa
ein bequemes Sofa
a certain risk
ein gewisses Risiko
-O: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a big office
ein großes Büro
-O: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the old museum
das alte Museum
-UM: neuter
an American visa
ein amerikanisches Visum
-UM: neuter
the expensive appliance
der teure Apparat
the big secretariat
das große Sekretariat
-AT: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
an Irish cardinal
ein irischer Kardinal
-AL: masculine if referring to persons.
an electrical signal
ein elektrisches Signal
-AL: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the Dutch channel
der holländische Kanal
the invested capital
das angelegte Kapital
-AL: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the unexplored continent
der unerforschte Kontinent
the fast-binding cement
der schnellbindende Zement
a valuable document
ein wertvolles Dokument
-ENT: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a nice apartment
ein schönes Appartement
-ENT: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the approximate equivalent
das ungefähre Äquivalent
-ENT: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a strong contingent
ein starkes Kontingent
-ENT: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a sensitive microphone
ein empfindliches Mikrofon
-ON: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a German-speaking canton
ein deutschsprachiger Kanton
a cordless phone
ein schnurloses Telefon
-ON: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a yellowish paper
ein gelbliches Papier
-IER: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a German banker
ein deutscher Bankier
-IER; if referring to persons = masculine
a new studio
ein neues Atelier
-IER: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
a nice piano
ein schönes Klavier
-IER: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the rain
der Regen
Weather: masculine
the student
der Student
Male human: masculine
the thunderstorm
das Gewitter
Most noun with -GE: neuter
the revolution
die Revolution
-TION: feminine
the gold
das Gold
Metal: neuter
the darling/favourite
der Liebling
-LING: masculine
the person
die Person
anomalous gender of name of human being
the direction
die Richtung
-UNG: feminine
the birth
die Geburt
Exception: most nouns with GE- are neuter
the property
das Eigentum
-TUM: neuter
the wealth
der Reichtum
the guest
der Gast
-AST: masculine
the stadium
das Stadium
UM: neuter
the anglicism
der Anglizismus
-ISMUS: masculine
ice-cream eating
das Eisessen
English ing-forms: neuter
the arrogance
die Arroganz
-ANZ: feminine
the SPD
die SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
-EI: feminine
the laboratory
das Labor
Exception (-OR: masculine)
the photo
das Foto (even though die Fotografie)
-O: most often neuter if they refer to things.
Mainly of foreign origin.
the stress
der Stress
Monosyllabic nouns are most often masculine
the building
das Gebäude
Most nouns with GE- are neuter
the Make-up
das Make-Up
Nouns from phrasal verbs or ing-forms are usually neuter
the center
das Zentrum
-UM: neuter
the million
die Million
Names of numerals: feminine
the schnapps
der Schnaps
Alcoholic and plant-based drinks: masculine
die Türkei
Exception: Names of continents, countries, provinces, towns usually neuter
He showed a strong interest in it.
Er zeigte ein starkes Interesse dafür.
Exception: Nouns in -E are mainly (90%) feminine.
That was a silly idea.
Das war doch ein alberner Gedanke.
Exception: Irregular masculine
The smell of seaweed penetrated into the rooms.
Der Geruch von Seetang drang bis in die Zimmer hinein.
Exception: Most nouns with GE- are neuter
The good will alone is not enough.
Der gute Wille allein reicht nicht aus.
Exception: Irregular masculine
The year is coming to an end soon.
Das Jahr geht bald zu Ende.
Exception: Seasons, months and days of the week are usually masculine
The forest was big and the edge of the forest was far away.
Der Wald war groß und der Waldrand weit entfernt.
Monosyllabic nouns are often masculine
Your hand is so cold.
Deine Hand ist so kalt.
The city was completely destroyed in 1944.
Die Stadt wurde im Jahre 1944 völlig zerstört.
I do not know much about German history.
Ich weiß nicht viel über die deutsche Geschichte.
The offer was quite attractive.
Das Angebot war recht attraktiv.
the case
der Fall
Nouns formed from strong verbs without a suffix are masculine
the humour
der Humor
-OR: masculine
the communism
der Kommunismus
-ISMUS: masculine
the apprentice
der Lehrling
-LING: masculine
the snow
der Schnee
Weather: masculine
the summer
der Sommer
Seasons: masculine
the jump
der Sprung
Nouns formed from strong verbs without a suffix are masculine
the position
der Stand
Nouns formed from strong verbs without a suffix are masculine