1. Introduction - Week wise of the course Flashcards
- Beginner-focused.
- Create, handle, and summarize data sets using graphics and numerics.
- Teaches probability for managing uncertainty.
- Covers random variables, Binomial and Normal distributions.
Course Objectives
- Create, download, and manipulate datasets.
- Present and describe data with methods.
- Select appropriate graphics for a scenario.
- Summarize data with measures.
- Use suitable numerical summaries.
- Understand uncertainty with probability.
- Comprehend random experiment, events, probability, and conditional probability.
- Use discrete (e.g., Binomial) and continuous (e.g., Normal) random variables.
Road Map
Wk 1-4: Data: Graphics & Numerics.
Wk 5-7: Probability: Basics & Conditional.
Wk 8-12: Random Variables: Discrete [Binomial] & Continuous [Normal].
- Learn data collection and identify variables & cases.
- Categorize data as qualitative or quantitative.
- Understand cross-sectional vs. time-series data.
- Create, download, and manipulate datasets; work on subsets.
- Formulate answerable questions from data.
- Differentiate between sample and population.
For Week-2
- Gender diversity: Proportion of female and male students?
- Count of students by board of origin?
Week 2
Describing categorical data - one variable
- Organize and graph categorical data.
- Create frequency tables from tabulated data.
- Choose suitable graphics for displaying data.
- Recognize and address misleading graphs.
For week-3
- Average marks for students in Class 10/Class 12?
- Degree of variability in obtained marks?
- Minimum and maximum marks obtained?
- Average age of admitted students?
Week 3
Describing numerical data - one variable
- Visualize numerical data; interpret distribution shape.
- Compute and interpret numerical summaries
- Central tendency: mean, median, mode.
- Dispersion: range, variance, standard deviation.
- Percentiles, Interquartile Range (IQR).
- Compute and interpret the five-number summary.
- Use histogram and box plot to detect outliers in datasets.
For Week-4
- Proportion of women vs. men from state board?
- Correlation between Class 10 and Class 12 marks?
- Average marks for State board vs. other boards?
Week 4
Association between two variables
- Two-way contingency tables to understand association between categorical variables.
- Correlation between numerical variables through scatter plot; interpret correlation.
- Relationship between categorical and numerical variables.
For Week 5
- Number of ways to form a committee of 3 from 10 people?
- Number of ways to form a committee of 3 (President, Vice-President, and Secretary) from 10 people?
- Basic principle of counting.
Week 5
Permutations and combinations
- Basic principle of counting.
- Factorials.
- Permutations vs. combinations.
- Applications of permutations and combinations.
For week 6-7
- Probability of getting a top grade.
- Conditional probability of getting a top grade given a specific board.
Week 6-7
- Uncertainty and random experiment.
- Sample spaces and events.
- Simple and compound events.
- Laws of probability.
- Probability calculation and tree diagrams.
- Conditional probability.
- Independent and dependent events.
- Applications of probability.
For week 8-9
Suppose one of the questions asked in the questionnaire asked students to report the number of siblings then have.
1. Chance that a randomly selected student has 2 siblings?
Week 8-9
Discrete random variables
- Random variable definition.
- Types of random variables: discrete and continuous.
- Probability mass function, graph, and examples.
- Cumulative distribution function, graphs, and examples.
- Expectation and variance calculation for a random variable.
For week 10
An MCQ exam has 4 possible answers for each of 25 questions:
1. What is the chance of getting exactly 5 questions correct just by guessing?
2. What is the chance of getting more than 5 questions correct just by guessing?
Week 10
Binomial distribution
- Binomial distribution Basics
- Application of binomial distribution.
For Week 11-12
- the student requires more than 45 minutes to complete the test?
- The student requires between 30 to 45 minutes to complete the test?
Week 11-12
Continuous distribution and Normal Distribution
- Probability density function
- Empirical rule of Normal distribution
- Standard Normal distribution
- Application of Normal distributions.