1: Introduction to Operations Flashcards
Take inputs in the form of resources and convert them into outputs in the form of products and services.
Operations management
The business function responsible for planning, coordinating and controlling the resources needed to produce a company’s products and services.
Primary inputs
Resources that the process transforms directly. Owned by the firm.
Secondary inputs
Resources needed to facilitate the transformation of primary resources into outputs. Owned by the firm.
Tertiary inputs
Information needed to plan, execute and control the use of primary and secondary resources so that the primary transformation can be carried out.
Aim of operations
To deliver goods and/or services that meet clients’/customers’ needs.
Objective of operations
To deliver the goods and/or services sufficiently in an efficient, effective and innovative manner to ensure long-term competitive advantage.
Four Vs
Volume (of demand from customers)
Variety (of tasks performed to create the product/service)
Variation (in demand from customers, over time)
Visibility (of staff from the POV of the customers)
Competitive objectives of the operations function
Quality Speed Dependability Flexibility Cost