1. Introduction to additive processes Flashcards
Def.: Production process
process to transform raw material into a complex part with tools (and energy)
Def.: subtractive production process
part is manufactured by material removal
Exp.: milling, electrical discharge machining, electrochemical machining
Def.: replicative production process
part is manufactured by material addition/deformation in/on a shape tool
Exp.: plastic injection, sand casting, deep drawing, classical sintering
Classification based on nature of base material
photo resist
extruded solid
powder deposited in a thin bed
powder delivered by a nozzle
Different consolidation processes
chemical reactions (cross-linking of PR)
liquid phase bonding (FDM)
indirect bonding/brazing for powders
What have SLA, Polyjet, SGC, Envisionec, BIS in common?
Base material liquid
Consolidation principal UV-curing
Material is a thermoset
What have FDM, LMWD, BPM in common?
base material extruded solid, amorphous thermoplastic, metal wire, wax binds by liquid phase bonding
What have 3dP SLS, SLM in common?
liquid phase bonding of metals, ceramics in a powder bed
Advantages of AM
directly from CAD to part
geometrical complexity for free
integrated functions
faster, less waste
Disadvantages of AM
material choice limited, difficult to control processes, poor density/resistance
expensive equipment, slow for large series
Classes of Prototypes
models or dimensional proto
conceptual proto
functional proto
models/ dimensional prototypes
Identify design flaws,
obstruction, disassembly, packaging
conceptual proto
Assess the business impact of the design
Functional proto
Perform functional tests
Expendable shape tool
tool for a replicative process which has to be destroyed to recover the part
(Sand casting, Galvanic holding)
(master) model
positive of the final part, negative of the needed mild, can be lost pattern or master model
Polymer material
chain molecules with double bonds between carbons
thermosets and elastomers
Curable by light
Example: thermosets
Polyester, epoxy
Example: Elastomer
rubber, polyurethane
Example thermoplastics
polycarbonate, polystyrene
Galvanic molding
Manu of parts by electroplating of counter-parts