#1 Intro to Immigration Law Flashcards
Protected persons are … from inadmissibility based on financial reasons
____ are often stationed at the airport, i.e. POE
“Under A44(2), a removal order was made against Maria for *failing to comply with her residency obligation under A28. What type of removal order was issued against her?
CoPR stands for …
Confirmation of Permanent Residence (永久居民確認信)
Jurisprudence is also called …
Case Law
____ are NOT a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada
Being administrative Decision Makers, CBSA and IRCC are NOT part of the … system in Canada
____ ____ ____Act, 1867, established Canada as a country
British North America
… of Proof
= To what extent must something be proved
Information must be located quickly and efficiently by ____ during the ICCRC licensing exam
____ ____ has a limited role in issuing a document called a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
Service Canada
Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) who breach a Code of Professional Ethics may be disciplined by …
Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council
Search the legislation using the
“CTRL + _____” (of the PDF reader) function
It is … whether the FN was convicted of the offence to be found inadmissible. It is sufficient that he or she has committed the offence.
Misrepresentation is mostly = lying
But it also includes …
(Permit / Visa) is a legal document to allow people to enter Canada
Inadmissibility provisions (A33) can be used to initiate the … of a person who is (now) in Canada
Applicant is the person filing an application for …
leave /
… is the default standard of proof
Balance of probabilities
The judge at the FC would either
grant or … the applicant’s leave (i.e. permission)
(Immigrants / Refugees) are someone seeking protection outside their home country as a result of armed conflict, religious persecution, political persecution and sexual orientation
The judge at the FC would either
… or deny the applicant’s leave (i.e. permission)
… establishes that all court procedures have to be fair and just
Procedural Fairness /
Natural Justice
____ ____ enables a (1) Canadian citizen or (2) permanent resident of Canada to sponsors his family member’s application, and thereby takes responsibility for that family member for a specific number of years
Family Class
SCC stands for …
Supreme Court of Canada
Visitors to Canada must apply for a (1) … or (2) eTA
called “visa required”
____ have most of the same rights and privileges as does a Canadian citizen
When analysing Case Law,
Style of Cause = ____ ____ ____ ____
Name of the Case
When analysing Case Law,
Issue = ____ that ____ ____ ____
Question(s) that must be answered
When analysing Case Law,
Ratio = ____
Answer (to the Issue)
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ are those who became a PR without landing yet
FN(s) with a PR Visa
____ materials are NOT allowed during the ICCRC licensing exam
At the FC, applications granted “…” mean permission to have a hearing before the Court
Previous work experience best to be signed by a local ____ (公證人)
When the condition is met
|»_space; the conditional removal order becomes a … order without any notice
(Visa / Enforcement / Immigration) officers work for the CBSA
… order is the most serious removal order
“Rashid does NOT have a right of appeal because the right of appeal is NOT … to FNs under A63”
… is the person making the appeal
no such word as “appeallant”
Grounds for Inadmissibility
|»_space; (Security / Organized Criminality) includes terrorism
Security, under A34
Grounds for Inadmissibility
|»_space; (Security / Serious Criminality) includes an act of espionage (i.e. being a spy)
Security, under A34
FC stands for …
Federal Court
… Removal Orders
|»_space; remains inactive until a specific condition is met
Federal Court decisions can be appealed to the …
Federal Court of Appeal (FCA)
… who breach a Code of Professional Ethics may be disciplined by ICCRC
Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants
Grounds for Inadmissibility
|»_space; (Organized Criminality / Security ) includes trafficking in persons
Organised Criminality, under A37
Temporary resident permit (TRP) is used to ____ ____
overcome inadmissibility
(Immigrants / Refugees) are someone who chooses to settle permanently in another country
“Jo has been found inadmissible for being a member of Hell’s Angels. What standard of proof was applied in the assessment of her inadmissibility?”
Reasonable grounds to believe
… of Proof (i.e. Owner of Proof)
= Who has to prove something
Visitors to Canada must apply for a (1) visa or (2) …
called “visa exempt”
… order is the 2nd most serious removal order
The Appellant must have … all his appeal rights if he wants to appeal to the Federal Court (FC)
____ ____ enable a person to immigrate as entrepreneurs, skilled workers and investors
Economic Class(es) / Economic Program(s)
(Visa / Enforcement / Immigration) officers receive applications from outside of Canada
e.g. those at VAC
At the FC, applications granted “leave” mean … to have a hearing before the Court
The … decision established, in law, the right for non-lawyers (including RCIC) to practice immigration law in Canada
… order is the least serious removal order
TRP stands for …
Temporary resident permit
“Akwasi completed her sentence in March 2016. After how many years since sentence completion, may she apply to satisfy the Minister that she has been rehabilitated?”