1 Intoduction to Synfig Studio Flashcards
Synfig Studio
define (3)
- an open-source two-
dimensional (2D) - animation software
- designed to make high
quality animation with
fewer resources.
designed to eliminate
the need to draw individual frames
Synfig Studio
- takes two images
and creates a smooth
transition between
Morphing animation
- splits objects into
parts and applies
simple transformations
to them
Cut-out animation
a bar at the top of the window. It lists menu options including file, edit, view, canvas, toolbox, layer, plug-ins, window, help
Menu Bar
is the area in the center of the window with gray squares. It is where Synfig animations are created
at bottom of the window
has gray time bar that can indicate and change the frame you are on and an area where symbols called Waypoints appear
time track
is to the right of the time track
can be arranged and grouped to better keep track of the objects
panel that holds a collection f drawing tools used to create and customize objects on the stage
two areas of tool box
upper palette
lower palette
contains the tools
that allow you to create
and manipulate objects.
upper palette
contains the default
settings for new
layers.(fill and outline
colors, brush size, and
current gradient)
lower palette
a panel that displays options for the selected tool
Tool properties
found at left of time track
displays properties of a selected object
parameters panel
menu options
has gray time bar that can indicate and change the frame you are on and an area where symbols called ________ appear
Synfig Studio features (8)
Pick the start and end points for an object, and then watch it move.
Morph an object from one form to another.
Make several objects move at the same time.
Make objects move realistically.
Add sound to make the animation more interesting.
Vector Tweening
Bone Sytem
Advanced Controls
- transforms any vector
shape into another
Vector Tweening
- transforms any vector
shape into another
Bone Sytem
This allows you to
create advanced
character puppets and
other dynamic
Advanced Controls