1: History of Research into Human Origins Flashcards
What is anthropology?
Study of people, biological evolution, modern and ancient cultures, material cultures, social culture, economic and belief systems
What are the 4 types of Anthropology
Cultural - Study of living creatures
Linguistic - study of languages
Archaeology - past cultures through analysis of material culture from archeological record
biological - human biological evolution and variability
What are the two types of biological anthropology
Palaeoanthropology - study of ancient humans
Primatology - study of living species of monkey and apes
What is the difference between different anthropologies
the types of data used to answer questions of behaviour
What is the longest lived technology in human pre-history
stone tools - oldest in east africa
Why do biological anthropology
reconstructing human history, the major steps, understanding evolutionary history able to develop understanding of place in evolutionary world
why we live the way we do and why we do the things we do
story of human evolution is of all living today
Why is science very Eurocentric
- political, economic, military power at the time
What is Age of Enlightenment
- most people though Bible literal, church powerful
- intolerance of people different
- development of new philosophies
Who is Irish Archbishop James Ussher
- the world began 4004 BC, 6025 years ago
What is the fixity of species
- god created all creatures of earth, the same way they are seen now, changing is heretical
What were philosophies from enlightenment
humanism - ethics should be based on logic, empathy and reason
Liberalism - value of individual human life and individual freedom
rationalism - knowledge gained through logic and rational though
Empiricism - knowledge comes from experience and observation
Which philosophies science was born
rationalism and empiricism
What is science
- Free speech - individuals are free to develop hypotheses but others are free to criticize
- peer review - researchers review each others hypotheses
- Empirical testing and standards of evidence - hypotheses are tested against data from natural world
- recognition of inherent biases - methodologies were developed to avoid such problems (ex:double blind, stat analyses)
What are advances in natural science
- Far more biological diversity in the world…
- much older than thought,
- rational structure to the world physical laws that can be understood, - inherent cyclical connections between components of natural world (ex: rock formation)
What are the advances in humanities and social sciences
- Diversity, culture, religions, where we are from is a small portion of the world
- Strong historical ties
- Languages linked and share common ancestors..
- Reality of world not like biblical
- massive increase in lifespan
- decrease in malnutrition
- GWP increase, decrease poverty
- drop in conflicts
- murder rates decrease
- increase democracy
- increased literacy
- average work hours decrease
- more happy
Who was the OG Neanderthal
Feldhofer Cave Germany 1856
Who examined first Neanderthal
Johann Fuhlrott told Hermann Schaffhausen (argued for evolution)
Who was Rudolf Virchow
- founder of pathology
- thought Neanderthal was modern human
- barrier to biological sciences and evolution
What were three important changes in our understanding of world
- Extreme age of earth
- Extreme Age of Human History
- The Mutability of Organisms ‘Evolution’
Who was James Hutton
Processes today were same ones that were always changing Earth’s surface
- law of uniformitarianism - ancient geological conditions were the same as or uniform to those of today
What is the Law of uniformitarianism
ancient geological conditions were the same as or uniform to those of today
Who is Charles Lyell
- extreme antiquity of the Earth
Who is Boucher de Perthes
found extinct animal bone tools in river… 1841… critics said they were generated in the sky by fulgurous exaltation conglobed in a cloud by circumposed humour “lightning”