1. Gross Brain Stem/SC Flashcards
The forebrain (prosencephalon) which is rostral will divide to form?
Telencephalon and Diencephalon
What will the Telencephalon and Diencephalon become? (2,3)
Telencephalon: cerebral hemispheres, lateral ventricles
Diencephalon: thalamus, hypothalamus, third ventricle
The midbrain (mesencephalon) will form the mesencephalon which gives rise to what two things?
midbrain and cerebral aqueduct
The hindbrain (rhombencephalon) will give rise to the metencephalon and myelencephalon, which gives rise to what? (3,2)
Metencephalon: pons, cerebellum, upper part 4th ventricle
Myelencephalon: medulla and lower part of 4th ventricle
from rostral to caudal, what are the order of the cephalons?
telencephalon diencephalon mesencephalon metencephalon myelencephalon
What 5 corticals are involved in the telencephalon?
frontal parietal temporal occipital insular (deep)
What separates the frontal and parietal lobe? How about the temporal from parietal and frontal?
central sulcus
sylvian/lateral sulcus
What is the difference between sulcus and fissure?
sulcus is a groove
fissure is a deeper groove
The paracentral lobule is deep to the central sulcus, what are its functions? (2)
motor and sensory of contralateral lower extremities
Within the telencephalon is the corpus callosum, what are its functions? (3)
integrates motor, sensory and helps both hemispeheres communicate
The cingulate gyrus is located where, which do limbic and memory and learning?
directly above the corpus callosum medially
What does the calcarine sulcus divide? (in the occipital lobe)
cuneus gyrus and lingual gyrus
What does the parietooccipital sulcus divide?
parietal and occipital lobes
What lobe has the functions of personality, decision making, motor and speech?
frontal lobe
The superior and inferior frontal sulcus divide the frontal lobe into what 3 divisions?
superior frontal gyrus
middle frontal gyrus
inferior frontal gyrus
What two things make up the primary motor cortex?
precentral gyrus and anterior paracentral gyrus (infront of the central sulcus)
What two things make up the precentral sulcus?
superior and inferior frontal sulcus
The inferior frontal gyri has three parts: anterior to posterior are pars orbitalis, pars triangularis, pars opercularis. What makes up broca’s area?
pars opercularis and triangularis
The homunculus (coronal section) is between the anterior paracentral gyrus and precentral gyrus and represents?
cortical distribution of somotosensory input of different body parts
What two things make up the primary somatosensory cortex of the parietal lobe?
postcentral gyrus and posterior paracentral gyrus
The function of the parietal lobe is sensory and somatosensory association area. The lobe is split into superior and inferior parietal lobuels by the intraparietal sulcus, what is important of the inferior parietal lobule?
contains the supramarginal gyrus (ant) and angular gyrus (post) which make up wernicke’s area
What lobe of the telencephalon has a function of processing and interpretation of auditory stimuli, memory and organizing/comprhending language?
temporal lobe
Below the lateral fissure and anterior to the preoccipital notch, what 3 gyri can be found in the temporal lobe?
superior middle and inferior temporal gyri
What is the function of the transverse temporal gyri?
primary auditory association cortex
What is the function of the occipital lobe?
integrating and processing visual stimuli
What can be found deep to the temporal lobe when reflecting the lateral fissure, whose functions are unclear?
insular lobe
The insular lobe has caudal/long and rostral/short gyri which are separated by what?
central sulcus
From an inferior view of the temporal lobe, the gyrus medial to the collateral sulcus, is called the what? which has an anteromedial part called the?
parahippocampal gyrus with the most anteromedial part called the uncus
The basal ganglia or nuclei controls motor movements. What are some of the main components 7?
caudate nucleus substantia nigra subthalamic nucleus internal capsule putamen claustrum globus pallidus
The optic nerve comes out in the diencephalon, what are the bulge and folds that can be found here?
anterior commissure (bulge) posterior commissure (fold)
The thalamus and pineal gland are found in the diencephalon, with what other 2 important things under it?
infundibulum (only posterior pituitary gland is from dien)
The mesencephalon is the brain stem, which is above the pons and medulla. Here, the red nucleus, medial leminscus, crus cerebri and substantia nigra can be found anteriorly. What is found posteriorly? (2)
superior colliculus
spinothalamic tract
In the mesencephalon, the oculomotor N exits medial to the what and from what fossa?
Both CNIII are medial to the cerebral peduncle (anterior side) and come from the interpeduncular fossa
From a posterior view of the mesencephalon/midbrain, the superior and inferior colliculus can be found, where do they relay info to?
superior to lateral geniculate body
inferior to medial geniculate body (both bodys are part of the diencephalon)
What is the dividing line between the midbrain and pons, which wraps around and comes out dorsally?
the tricky trochlear N
The metencephalon or the pons has CN V coming from what?
cerebellar peduncle
What 3 nerves come from the pontomedullary junction?
What separates the facial colliculus and the vesitbular area of the pons?
sulcus limitans
The cerebellar peduncle can be divided into what three things?
superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncle (posterior)
the cerebellum is located posterior to the pons, and has what three important parts?
dentate nucleus in the middle
anterior and posterior lobes
What separates the rhomboid fossa into superior (pontine) and inferior rhomboid fossa (medulla oblongata)? (posteriorly)
stria medullaris acoustica
What is the difference between basilar and tegmentium pons? what exits from these?
basilar is anterior and is where trigeminal N leaves
tegmentium is posterior to where trigem N exits
The medulla oblongata is in the myelencephalon which has an anterior median fissure, with pyramids on either side. What is lateral to the pyramids?
preolivary sulcus with the olive lateral to that
What exits through the preolivary and postolivary sulucs?
hypoglossal through preolivary
glossopharyngeal, vagus and spinal from postolivary
The inferior rhomboid fossa will come together in the medulla to form the obex. What are the three things below the obex? from lateral to medial
tubere cinereum
cuneate tubercle
gracile tubercle
What are the continuations of the gracile tubercle and cuneate tubercle in the medulla?
fasciculus gracilis
fasciculus cuneatus
The spinal cord spans from the foramen magnum to the L1/2 and is attached laterally and caudally by what?
denticulate ligaments and caudally by filum terminale
In the spinal cord there is a anterior median fissure, and what 3 other septums?
posterolateral septum
posterior median septum
posterior intermediate septum
White matter of the spinal cord surrounds the H which is gray matter. what are the 3 components of each?
White: anterior funiculus, lateral and posterior funiculus
Gray: anterior, posterior horn and intermediate zone
In the cervical region, the spinal cord is oval and have large AH/PH. In thoracics the SC is round and have small AH/PH with a lateral horn. What about lumbar and sacral SCs?
lumbar: round and large AH/PH, no lateral horn
sacral: mainly gray matter
The laminae of the spinal cord are different sections of the gray matter. Which laminae can be found anterior and posterior?
anterior: 8-9
posterior: 1-6