1: General Organisation of Head & Neck Flashcards
What can be seen in Week 4 of embryological development? (2 things)
- Primitive gut and Neural tube have formed
- Primitive pharynx seen as cranial diverticulum (pocket) of primitive gut tube
What is the embryonic derivative of the Head & Neck?
Complex system of pharyngeal arches
What do the pharyngeal arches consist of?
- Core of proliferated mesenchyme
- Covered by ectoderm on OUTSIDE surface
- Covered by endoderm on INSIDE surfae
What are the pharyngeal arches derived from? (2 things)
- Paraxial and Lateral plate mesoderm
- Neural crest cells
What is found between each pharyngeal arch? (2 things)
- Pharyngeal Pouch (on endoderm (inside) side)
- Pharyngeal Cleft (on ectoderm (outside) side)
Pinside and Cowtside
What are ther derivatives of the 1st Pharyngeal Arch?
- Cranial Nerve
- Muscle
- Skeletal
- Sensory
What are ther derivatives of the 2nd Pharyngeal Arch?
- Cranial Nerve
- Muscle
- Skeletal
- Sensory
What are ther derivatives of the 3rd Pharyngeal Arch?
- Cranial Nerve
- Muscle
- Skeletal
- Sensory
What are ther derivatives of the 4th Pharyngeal Arch?
- Cranial Nerve
- Muscle
- Skeletal
- Sensory
What are ther derivatives of the 6th Pharyngeal Arch?
- Cranial Nerve
- Muscle
- Skeletal
- Sensory
What are the derviates of the 1st Pharyngeal POUCH? (2 things)
- Eustachian Tube
- Tympanic (Middle Ear) Cavity
What are the derviates of the 2nd Pharyngeal POUCH?
Lining of Palentine Tonsils
What are the derviates of the 3rd Pharyngeal POUCH? (2 things)
- Inferior parathyroid glands
- Thymus
What are the derviates of the 4th Pharyngeal POUCH? (2 things)
- Superior parathyroid glands
- C cells
What are the derivatives of the Pharyngeal Clefts?
Only 1st cleft remains
It forms External Auditory Meatus
What are the major muscle groups of the head? (4 things)
- Muscles of facial expression
- Muscles of cheek (buccinators)
- Muscles of scalp
- Muscles of mastication (chewing)
What are the muscles of facial expression derived from?
2nd Pharyngeal arch
What are the muscles of facial expression innervated by?
Cranial Nerve 7 (5 branches of it in face)
What are the 5 branches of Cranial Nerve 7 in the face?
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Mandibular
- Cervical
To Zanzibar By Motor Car
What are the 5 layers of the scalp?
- Skin
- CT (Dense)
- Aponeurotic Layer
- Loose CT
- Pericranium
What does the loose CT of the scalp facilitate? (2 things)
- Movement of scalp over calvaria (top part of skull)
- Localisation and spread of infections
What is the scalp innervated by? (2 things)
- Cranial Nerve 5
- Cervical nerves
What are the muscles of mastication innervated by?
Cranial Nerve 5
What are the 5 major fascial layers of the neck?
- Superficial Cervical
- Investing
- Pretracheal
- Prevertebral
- Carotid Sheath
What is the Superficial Cervical Fascial Layer innervated by?
CN 7 (facial nerve)