#1 D1 Flashcards
Who responds to a major accident involving DOD material or activities that is serious enough to warrant response
Installation disaster response force
Four things to do if witness a major accident after alerting security forces the fire department or the installation command and control
- Stay uphill upwind
- Attempt rescue or care for casualties
- Avoid handling material
- Evacuate the area
What is one natural disaster that is commonly overlooked
3 to 5 minute steady tone
Disaster warning. Tornadoes, flash floods, hazardous material release, wildfire
3 to 5 minute wavering tone
Attack warning
Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown
Shooter warning
The vehicle for installation preparation and response
Installation emergency management plan 10–2
Ways to prepare for and cope with natural disasters
Protective measures
The most effective individual protective equipment for conventional attack
Helmet and body armor
Along with the emergency operation center and unit control centers this implements operational plans and priorities, controls and monitors mission generation capabilities, and ensures installation survivability
Installation command and control
Alarm condition levels
Green, yellow, Red air, red ground, black
During attack recovery and reconnaissance which base entity disseminate information to forces and report status of resources to hire headquarters
Emergency operation center
All individual protective equipment and feel gear stored
Mop level ready
Helmet and web belt worn
Mop level zero
Overgarment and field gear worn
Mop level one
Overgarment over boots and field gear worn
Mopp level two
Overgarment, protective mask, over boots and field gear worn
Mop level three
All individual protective equipment and field gear worn
Mopp level four
Regardless of the type of agent, concentration, or method of chemical attack what is the best immediate protective equipment?
Groundcrew ensemble
What are P tabs used to protect against
Nerve agents
SALUTE Reporting
Size Activity Location Unit Time Equipment
The part of international law that regulates conduct of armed hostilities
Law of armed conflict
A treaty obligation of the United States under provisions of the 1949 Geneva conventions
Law of armed conflict training
The five important principles that govern armed conflict; military necessity, distinction, proportionality, humanity, and chivalry are all found where?
The law of armed conflict principles
The LOAC principle says to only use the degree of regulated force necessary to obtain submission of the enemy
Military necessity
This LOAC principle states that attacks must be limited to military objectives
Military necessity
The LOAC principle imposes a requirement to distinguish between civilians and combatant forces
The LOAC principle that states damages and casualties must be consistent with mission accomplishment and allowable risk to the attacking force
The LOAC principle also referred to as the principle of unnecessary suffering
The LOAC principle that forbids treacherous acts to injure the enemy
In accordance with AFPD 51–4 any member who knows of a LOAC violation must report it to who
Their commander or next higher authority
These exist to ensure use of force, in an operation, occurs according to national policy goals, mission requirements, and the rule of law
Rules of engagement
These four elements must be considered prior to invoking the standing rules of engagement use of force in self defense
Standards of conduct based on values
Within how many days must a commander reply to a complaint of financial responsibility when received for one of their members
15 days
What is the primary source of military law
The constitution of the United States
The fifth amendment of the Constitution and article 31 of the UCMJ prevent an individual from what?
Involuntary self-incrimination
Which organization works to protect a clients individual interests and ensure the independent and zealous representation of a client facing military justice action or other adverse actions?
Area defence counselI
The act of taking a person into custody
Moral or physical restrictions on a person’s Liberty leading up to prosecution.
Pretrial restraint
These are imposed directing a person to do or refrain from doing specific acts
Conditions on Liberty
Imposes restraint on a person to remain within specified limits but is less severe than arrest
Restrictions in lieu of arrest
Limiting of a persons Liberty
Physical restraint such as imprisonment or confinement in a facility
What is nonjudicial punishment most often referred to as
Article 15
Used to postpone application of all or part of a punishment for a specific probationary period.
An action whereby any portion of the unexecuted punishment is canceled
Reduction in either the quantity or quality of punishment
An action where by the punishment, whether executed or not, is set aside and any property, privileges, or rights affected by the portion of the punishment are restored.
Set aside
Type of court-martial used to try minor offenses
Summary court-martial
Intermediate level court in the military system
Special court-martial
Court Marshall which tries the most serious offenses
General court Marshall
Who is authorized to access a members UIF?
The member, commander, first sergeant, EPR officials, FSS, IG, inspection team, legal office, MEO, law-enforcement and substance abuse counselors
This is a rehabilitative tool commanders may use to establish a six-month observation period Of individuals whose duty performance is substandard
Control roster
What are the three leadership and development levels in the Air Force
Tactical, operational, and strategic
What are the domains of comprehensive airman fitness
Social, physical, mental, spiritual
NCO in charge of a work center or element
Noncommissioned Officer in Charge
NCO’s in charge of a section with at least two subordinate workcenters or elements
Section Chief
NCO’s Who are the enlisted leaders of a flight
Flight Chief
Enlisted leader of a squadron
Squadron superintendent
SNCO in charge of a group or Wing level function
This position is located at headquarters and is responsible for organizing and managing one or more enlisted career field.
Career field manager
First Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who tackled personal retention
Second chief Master sergeant of the Air Force fought for equal Perdiem for enlisted and officers
Third Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who pushed for the NCO Academy
Fourth Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who worked to ensure equality among the ranks and races
Fifth Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who addressed low morale and weak public image addressing substance abuse
Sixth Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who confronted lowest recruiting rates
Seventh Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who felt it was time for Airmen to think “we instead of me me me”
“Bud” Andrews
Eighth chief master sergeant of the Air Force who made it possible for SRA to be promoted during their first enlistment
Ninth Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who tackled the aging performance report
10th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who faced downsizing after desert storm
11th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who launched the new Tricare health program
12th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who championed warrior week at basic training
13th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force transitioned from the Cold War to expeditionary mindset
14th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who brought back higher tenure for four enlisted grades
15th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who opened the door for the Airmans creed
16th Chief master sergeant of the Air Force who focused on joint and coallition development
17th and current chief master in the Air Force
Two force recruitment programs
We are all recruiters WEAR
Recruiter assistance program
According to Dr. James H. Toner military ethics are rooted in 3 0’s
Owing, ordering, oughting
Toners ordering refers to
Moral structuring and ethical priorities
One of the telltale signs of a military professional is