1. Chest Radiology Flashcards
view of the chest to reduce magnification of the heart
left lateral
helpful to assess the volume of pleural
effusion and whether a pleural effusion
is mobile or loculated
Lateral Decubitus
accentuated on Expiration
helps the radiologist to determine if there are intrapulmonary abnormalities
full inspiration
The diaphragm should be found at about the level of the
right 10th posterior rib
On PA chest view the ___________
divides the right middle lobe from the right upper lobe
minor horizontal fissure
fissures best seen on
lateral view
right and left major oblique fissures
separates the anterior segment of the left upper lobe from the lingula
Fine linear density at the right lung base that extends upwards and obliquely from a
point just central to the
middle of the curve of the right hemidiaphragm
Inferior Accessory Fissure
represent a
normal variant at the site of insertion of the rhomboid ligament
may displace heart
to the left with obliteration of
the lower right heart border simulating right middle lobe pathology
Pectus Excavatum aka Funnel Chest
Indistinct right heart margin and Vague density in right lower lung field
Pectus Excavatum
If the ratio of the distance between the anterior body of T8 and the posterior sternum (yellow arrow) to the transverse diameter of the thorax measured
at the level of the diaphragm is less than 1/3, then suspect
Straight Back Syndrome
Most have a systolic ejection mumur and about half of Straight Back Syndrome cases are associated with
mitral valve prolapse
Loss of normal kyphotic curve of thoracic spine
associated with an abnormally short anterior-posterior
dimension to the chest causing compression of the heart
Straight Back Syndrome
Marked protrusion of the upper third of the sternum
Pectus Carinatum
finding of a mastectomy
should also make you look even closer at the
bones and lungs for metastases
CXR is taken to assess for
when evaluating the ribs
examine the ______ portions first
Fracture of the upper three ribs is associated with an
increased risk of aortic injury
Fracture of the lower three ribs can be associated with
liver or spleen injury
Multiple bilateral rib fractures in various stages of healing are associated with
child abuse or alcohol abuse
The majority of chest CT cases are performed as
_________________, which best assess the pulmonary, pleural and mediastinal structures.
intravenous contrast-enhanced spiral CT studies (regular CT)
distinguishes the vessels from lymph nodes and tumor in the mediastinum.
Intravenous contrast (IVC)