1- Chapter 10 - Models Flashcards
What is radioactive decay?
A random process Breakdown of an unstable nuclei by releasing energy until its at a stable form modeled by exponential decay
What is activity?
The number decaying per second
Activity (a) =
pN/t = λN (in bequels Bq)
Number left at time t (N)=
N0e- λt
Rate of change of Number (dN/dt)=
- λN
What is halflife?
Time it takes for half the neucli in a sample to decay
halflife (t1/2)=
Probability =
what is λ
The decay constant - Prob a neucleus will decay in one second.
age of source =
t1/2L (where L is number of half lifes)
Number of halflives (L) =
Log2(F) where F is the factor its been reduced by)
(from 2L=F )
Capaciance (C in Farads)=
Q/V Charge/pd
Exponential decay equations for Q,I and V
What is the time constant?
Time it takes for it to discharge to 1/e of the former value
Capistor Halflife=
RC ln2
Energy Stored in a capacitor=
1/2 QV
1/2 Q2/C
1/2 CV2
Displacement in SHM (x) =
Acosωt or Asinωt
2πf or 2π/T
Angular velocity
Period of oscilation (T) =
2π (m/k)0.5
a (in SHM) =
-ω2x or -kx/m
Why do harmonic oscilators work?
There is a resoring force always pointed at the position of 0 displacement.
0 force at equilibrim position.
Period of a pendulum
What is resonance
The movement of an object caused by oscilations
Natural frequency?
The frequency which will cuse the lagest oscilations when being vibrated at this speed.
Whatsa dampning
the number of ocilations until the large amplitude has died away.
Large dampening = Natural frequency is largesr but smaller amplitude
opposite for smaller damnpning.
How does dampening help?
- Removes energy from the system by converting kinetic energy to heat (via friction)
- This reduces the amplitude of oscillations.
Resonance curve
Curve tends to zero after peak