1 Flashcards
Foreign Policy Analysis
Mature subfield of International Relations.
Comparative Foreign Policy
Covers daily activities of FP actors and their behavior to outside world
Comparative Foreign Policy 2
Historical, Cultural, Governmental, and Individual forces shaping FP responses to change
Challenges faced by FPA
End of Cold War, Increase in Globalization, Sep. 11
Structure of International System Actors’ Goals
Inf. by aspirations, needs, goals, attitude, actions influenced by structure of power
IS Actors
States, IGOs, NGOs, and Individuals
IS Types
Unipolar, Bipolar, Tripolar, Multipolar, Balance of Power system, Unit Veto system
Middle Range Objectives
Boosting prestige; space, foreign aid, diplomatic/military expansion, catching up with strongest economies/expansion, usually with a set time goal
Short Term Objectives
Self-Preservation, immediate security and welfare needs
Long Range Objectives
Usually lack specific timeframe; persistent goals like, for the U.S., democratization of the world, suppression of terrorism
Reject View That
every event is unique + there are no common explanations