1⃣.3⃣ Class Differences In Achievement) Material Deprivation Flashcards
Explain how poor housing is a factor that can cause working class under achievement due to material deprivation
⚫️over crowding or cold and damp rooms
➡️means pupil have nowhere quiet to do homework
⚫️being homeless
⚫️or temporary accommodation
➡️mean frequent moves
➡️and changes of school
Name the factors that can cause working class under achievement due to material deprivation
⚫️poor housing
⚫️poor diet
⚫️low income
Explain how poor diet is a factors that can cause working class under achievement due to material deprivation
⚫️can lead to illness
➡️absences from school
⚫️lack of concentration in class
➡️due to hunger
Explain how low income is a factor that can cause working class under achievement due to material deprivation
⚫️lack of educational material
➡️books, PC with internet access
⚫️lack of right uniform or latest fashion item
➡️can lead to bullying
⚫️not being able to afford university fees
Give an evaluation of materiel deprivation
⚫️not all poor people fail
➡️those with supportive parents
➡️may have high level of motivation
⚫️material deprivation theory ignores
⚫️factors in school
➡️teacher labelling and streaming
➡️may cause under achievement
Explain the cultural capital theory
⚫️combines both cultural and material explanation
⚫️marxist such as bourdieu argue
➡️middle-class pupils more successful than working class
➡️their parents possess more capital assets
➡️capital comes in two forms:
⚫️economic capital
➡️wealth that middle class families own
⚫️cultural capital
➡️attitudes, values, skills knowledge etc of middle class
What does educational capital mean
⚫️middle class use their greater economic and cultural capital
➡️to give their children an advantage
➡️by using it to obtain educational capital-qualification
⚫️their children ➡️to get middle class jobs ➡️and more economic capital ➡️so reproducing advantages of the middle class ➡️from generation to generation
What does bourdieu show about material factor and cultural factors
⚫️not separated but linked together ➡️to produce class inequalities in achievement