1/26/13 Flashcards
What kidney disease, often caused by acetaminophen or other drugs, causes eosinophiluria?
Interstitial nephritis
A pt. is determined to be hypothyroid with a low TSH level. What is the next diagnostic step?
TRH stimulation test
What can cause the combination of neurologic dysfunction (esp. extensor muscle weakness), renal failure, and anemia?
lead poisoning
What is the MCV in lead poisoning anemia?
low to normal
Does pain and temp travel up the spinal cord on the ipsi- or contralateral side?
Do position and vibratory sense travel up the spinal cord on the ipsi- or contralateral side?
If a pt. presents w/ hyperrreflexia, sensory loss, and tenderness over the spine, what does this indicate?
spinal cord compression
What is the best first step in a pt. that appears to have spinal cord compression?
high-dose dexamethasone
What is the best initial test for suspected spinal cord compression?
The appearance of finger clubbing in COPD patients strongly suggests _______.
lung malignancy
Whast is the tx of choice in actinomyces infection?
Penicillin G
What kind of gallstones can be formed d/t hereditary spherocytosis?
pigmented (calcium bilirubinate)
Fever and a sore throat in a pt. taking propylthiouracil (PTU) or methimazole (MMI) is suspicious for what condition?