1&2 Kings/ 1&2 Chronicles Flashcards
The books of Kings and Chronicles present the kingdom divided into what?
Israel (north) and Judah (south)
Chronicles gives only one chapter to Saul and focuses on what?
Genealogies, temple worship, and the priesthood
Know that this focus on genealogies, temple worship, and priesthood gives some internal support for
the traditional ascription to Ezra as the author of Chronicles
Know that the books of Kings are traditionally ascribed to
Know that the author of 1 and 2 Kings presents the kingdom
fracturing in relation to the prophetic word in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 (see 1 Kings 10:1-25, wealth; 10:26-29, horses; and 11:1-3, wives)
Know that in line with the traditional view of authorship is the placement of Kings in the “Former Prophets” in the Hebrew Bible (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings) [the later prophets being Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and “The Twelve”]
Know that the book of Kings forms the
historical framework into which most of the writing prophets fit
Know that the book of Kings presents
the rise and fall of the kingdoms of the Jews in relation to their unfaithfulness to the covenant. What was prophesied through Moses and the prophets comes upon the northern and southern kingdoms
Be able to briefly discuss the relationship between the prophets and the kings (as emphasized in the long outline passed out in class “The Prophets and the Kingdoms”)
In nearly every chapter of 1 and 2 Kings there is either:o a prophecy given o prophecy fulfilled or o the ministry of the prophet
Know that the Lord is the true “Rider
of the Clouds”
Know how many times God spoke to Solomon in 1 Kings
Be able to briefly discuss the scene at the dedication of the temple (the glory cloud and the fire).
• Solomon built the platform, he was by the pillar and he prays a long prayer if then 7 times• The fire falls and then the presence of God, the glory cloud formed at the door of the Temple
Know whose advice Rehoboam took when the nation divided
the young men
Know what feast Jeroboam counterfeited
Know the designation of the one who prophesied against the altar of Jeroboam
man of god
Know Jeoboam’s full epithet after this occasion
Jeraboam the son of Nabat who caused Israel to sin.
Know the name of the king of Judah prophesied at the dedication of the altar at Bethel
Consider the contrast of the dedication of the true temple by Solomon (prayer and what happened at the altar) and the dedication of the temple at Bethel.
1 kings 13 – When Jeraboam is dedicating the temple of the golden calf, the man of God prophesied against it and the altar was broken and when the king tried to point at the prophet and say “seize him,” his arm shriveled up. Then he asked the man of god to pray for his arm and his arm was restored. o Solomon dedicates the temple and God is pleased. Fire falls from heaven and His presence is seen at the doorwayo Jeraboam dedicates a temple and the altar is broken and his arm withers, not a good thing
Know who moved the capitol to Samaria
Know the significance of rain in relation to the false ideas about Baal.
Baal is a god of fertility and of the clouds and rain
Know the epithet of Baal in relation to the Mt. Carmel showdown
Rider of the Clouds
Be able to briefly discuss the three times in the O.T. that the fire fell in relation to an altar.
• When the Tabernacle is dedicated by Moses – fire came out of the Tabernacle and consumed the offerings• When Solomon dedicated the Temple – fire came from Heaven and consumed the offerings• Mt. Carmel – fire fell on Mt. Carmel
Know who Elijah chose as his successor
Know the events surrounding Elijah’s assumption into heaven.
he goes down, strikes and the Jordan and the Jordan parts and he goes across on dry ground and a whirlwind takes him up
Know who appears on the “Black Obelisk”
Jehu (bowing down to Shalmaneser III)
Be able to briefly discuss the significance of Passover in relation to Jeroboam, Hezekiah, and Josiah.
• Jeraboam counterfeits Passover.• In Hezakiah and Josiah’s days there were revivals both times and they begin to institute Passover all over again
Know the date of the fall of the Northern kingdom
722 B.C.
Know the date of the fall of the Soutern kingdom
586 B.C.
Know the name of the Assyrian king known to the Bible as Pul
Tiglath Pilesar III
Know the name of the Assyrian king who destroyed Lachish
Know what happened to 185,000 Assyrian soldiers outside of Jerusalem
angel of the lord destroyed them
Know what king sent a present to Hezekiah
Merodach Baladan
Know what prophet prophesied to Hezekiah the future destruction of Judah
Know what king destroyed the altar at Bethel
Know what king destroyed Jerusalem