1 Flashcards
Wat zijn de main challenges to financing innovation
Innovation produces an intangible asset
The outcomes of innovation activities are highly uncertain
Waaruit bestaat de funding escalator en innovation proces
Stage I: Knowledge Creation and Idea
Stage II: Prototype Development and
Market Demonstration;
Stage III: Commercialization;
Stage IV: Scaling-up
5: Expansion
6: Going public
How kom je aan geld in stage 1 Idea concept
Own resources/bootstrapping
Family and friend (love money)
Grants: Government gives money to the best idea in the early stages with no repayment
Hoe kom je aan geld in stage 2 prototype development
Seed capital: first round of financing to get everything off the ground
Accelerators: programs that support the early stage of a company mentorship educational and financial component
Welke verschillende type crowdfunding zijn er
Donation model: The crowd donates money in
response to a good deed or for an event
Reward model: The crowd sponsors an idea,
product, or service. Backers receive some (in)tangible reward, sometimes the finished product itself
Lending model: give money and get it back
Equity model: The crowd invests in typically
early-stage businesses. In return the investors receive an equity stake, entitling
them to a share of the future profits.
Hoe kom je aan geld in stage 3 commercialisation
Business angels: Wealthy individuals who invest their own money along with their time and expertise
Hoe kom je aan geld in stage 4 scaling up
Venture capital: investors such as pension invest in the company and monitor closely and give advice
Wat is stage 6 van de funding escalator
Going to the public market
Wat is de valley of death
Many start ups die in the first phase after the start
Wat is initial public offering
The process through which private companies become public by selling their stock to public investors for the first time
Wat is Seasoned Equity Offering
When a firm gives out new extra equity stakes after the initial public offering to get extra capital
How do established businesses finance their innovation
Internal resources (still risky)
Open innovation
Crowdfunding: you know the interest and get user feedback which reduces risk
Wlek verschillende open innovations zijn er
Intrapreneurship: foster entrepreneurship within the organization
In-house accelerators and incubator programs gain direct access to the start-up
Corporate Venture Capital (CVC): invest in external start ups (low cost)
Start-up acquisitions and alliances: buy new start ups to allow to build innovation capability quickly without disrupting the existing business model
Wat zijn incubators
Provide startups with shared office
space, network and training opportunities, but no financial support