1 Flashcards
Which country and what was the theme?2007
Melting Ice - A hot topic – London, England
Which country and what was the theme?2022
Only one Earth – Sweden
Which country and what was the theme?2004
Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or alive?
Which country and what was the theme?2011
Forests: Nature at your Service – New Delhi, India
that rivers and total
living species contain comparable amounts of
Journey of hydrogen in primitive earth
took about 400,000 years for the universe to cool down
enough for electrons to be captured in orbits around protons.
* And then the first atom, the hydrogen, formed, simply one
electron and one proton.
how planets came into existence
Hydrogen and Oxygen with some energy,fused together to form Water.
* After formation of water, it turned to ice in the coldness
of space and mixed with other dust particles
when enough dust from multiple supernova explosions
collected over time in one spot, the gravitational pull of all this
matter began to coalesce and collapse into another generation of
The leftover dust from the star formation coalesced into planets,
planetesimals, asteroids and comets.
Hypothesis- Origin of water on earth since water coalesced into planets, our planet
would have had all the water it has today from its early
Theia collided
with earth and essentially turned it into one
giant piece of molten rock. The heat of this
collision would have evaporated most of the
water on earth.While some of it probably remained
due to gravity, a lot of the water would
have spewed back out into space.
then source of water was ?
most scientists
thought that the most likely water delivery candidates were comets. But in 2012, researchers found that the
chemical makeup of the water on Comets doesn’t fit with the chemical makeup of the water on Earth.
The source of Earth’s water is most likely
Asteroids had huge amounts of
water too, since they had not been exposed
to the heat of the sun for as long as they
have now.
- The isotope ratios of near-earth
asteroids match almost perfectly
with the isotope ratios in water that
we find on Earth.
role of temp and water in snowflake
The ultimate shape of a snowflake depends mainly on temperature and humidity (water
vapor availability):
* Temperature: Snowflakes are crystals of water ice. They form at a temperature at or below
the freezing point of water. Different freezing temperatures promote the growth of specific
facets on the forming crystal.
* Also, snow crystals experience temperature gradients on their journey toward the ground,
sometimes partially melting and re-freezing.
Because the process is complex, no two snowflakes are quite alike. However, snowflakes often look similar to each other when
they fall under the same conditions.
* Humidity: High humidity levels mean more water vapor is available for deposition,
influencing the rate of melting
Formation of strong magnetic field
By 4.2 billion years ago, a
liquid core formed in the
center of the Earth.
- Convection within the liquid
core created a strong magnetic
field surrounding the Earth. - This geomagnetic field shields
the earth’s surface from
cosmic rays. - The early earth prevented
sunlight from reaching the
Primitive life origin
Uranium ore in the geysers emitted
large amount of radiation which created a diverse range of materials (Hydrogen, Methane, Ammonia)
- Which then led to formation of building blocks of life, the amino acid, phosphoric acid, and Nucleobase
. - These molecules circulated between the geyser cave and surface and interactions made the molecules complex and led to the production of Proto
-RNA encoding molecule
. - Proto-RNA combined with enzyme
-like basis materials and formed ribosomes which can replicate themselves
By 4.0 billion years ago, the mother continent had
disappeared, leaving life on the margins of a fragmented
The subducted primordial continent descended toward
the core mantle boundary and led to melting of the core-
mantle boundary.
Which led to strengthening of the Earth’s magnetic field
which again created a better platform for life.
The emergence of Photosynthesis
2.9 billion years ago
* Oxygen, unbound to any other material, can be
toxic to life because oxygen destroys the
reductive life-body.
The oxygen released crystalized into felsic iron
bearing oxide which reduced the iron content of
the ocean.
* But still, the ocean was 5 times as saline as it is
Mantle overturn - 2.7 billion years ago
When the earth cooled down, the old slabs of the
primordial crust rest at the bottom of the upper mantle,
fell into the lower mantle and meanwhile, numerous
mantle plumes ascended from the lower mantle to the
upper mantle.
- Mantle plumes pushed the basaltic crust upward and
that generated landmass which allowed the shallow
marine environment exposed to sunlight and
nourishment of cyanobacteria.
A collision between the Milky Way and a nearby galaxy led to
the creation of many stars which later became supernova.
- They deteriorated the sun’s heliosphere and bombarded with
Earth.The cosmic rays helped in generating cloud condensation nuclei and
produced more clouds until the Earth was completely covered. - The cloud cover prevented sunlight and hence Earth became a
snowball Earth eventually. This created a mass extinction. But, some
life survived beneath the water below the ice covered
Calcium helped Microdictyon to have a hard scales to protect them
from other animals.
- Salt from the sea water was relocated to the land in the form of rock salt.
- Decrease in salinity further helped the ocean to be more livable.
Compensation depth
: The depth at which the gross
photosynthetic carbon assimilation and the respiratory
carbon loss or net photosynthesis is zero
phytoplankton do not stay at the same depth all
the time
. So, the net and gross should be calculated
based on the daily integrated photosynthetic or
respiration rates
Critical depth
Depth at which the integrated daily
photosynthesis rate is balanced with the integrated
daily respiration rate
If the phytoplankton should have
a net production
and cell
- growth, the mixed layer depth should be
shallower than critical depth
Gross production/photosynthesis:
The total photosynthesis
New production:
The primary production that is supported by newly produced nitrogen; the NO3- that comes through nitrification or upwelling.
Net production/photosynthesis:
The gross photosynthesis -
Regenerated production:
The primary production that is
supported by regenerated nitrogen which are reduced forms
of N. NH4+ , Urea etc.
Light and photosynthesis -P/I curve
With increasing light, photosynthesis increases linearly
(with a slope a) until it reaches where the photosynthesis
rate is equal to the respiration rate.
compensation irradiance (Ic).
maximum Photosynthetic rate
P max
If the irradiance increases further, than compensation point
the trend become
gradually non-linear and a point is reached where further
increases in irradiance do not result in increases in the
photosynthetic rate.
In some species, decrease in photosynthetic rate happens
at high irradiance is called photo inhibition.Under high light conditions, plants absorb more light energy than they can use in photosynthesis. This excess energy can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cellular components, including proteins, lipid
compensation depth
The compensation depth is the depth in a water column where the rate of photosynthesis by phytoplankton or aquatic plants exactly matches the rate of respiration. At this depth, the amount of oxygen produced by photosynthesis is equal to the amount consumed by respiration, and the net production of oxygen or organic carbon is zero.
can cleaner or clearer water affect carbon assimilation
Light Intensity: The primary factor influencing the compensation depth is the availability of light. In clearer waters, light penetrates deeper, resulting in a deeper compensation depth
Above/below Compensation Depth
Aquatic plants and phytoplankton can thrive, as they produce more organic matter through photosynthesis than they consume through respiration, contributing to the oxygen levels and supporting higher trophic levels.
Below Compensation Depth: The environment becomes net heterotrophic, meaning more organic matter is consumed than produced, leading to lower oxygen levels
why is compensation depth not very practical
phytoplankton do not stay at same depth all the time. So, the net and gross should be calculated based on the daily integrated photosynthetic or respiration rates. Gross photosynthesis must be calculated by integrating these rates over the entire depth range they traverse and throughout the day.
net total production
The net primary production, which represents the actual biomass available for higher trophic levels after respiration losses, is given by the difference between gross photosynthesis and respiration, integrated over the day and depth.
critical depth
The critical depth is the depth at which the total gross photosynthesis (carbon fixation) by phytoplankton in the water column above it equals the total respiration (carbon loss) in that same column. Below this depth, the water column cannot sustain a positive net primary production.
When the mixed layer depth extends below critical depth algal growth is light limited
and hence, no net phytoplankton growth.
This is the depth in the ocean where the water is well-mixed due to wind, waves, and turbulence. In this layer, temperature, salinity, and other properties are relatively uniform, and phytoplankton are evenly distributed.
When the mixed layer depth (MLD) is shallower than the critical depth: Phytoplankton spend enough time in the well-lit surface layers, where they can photosynthesize more than they respire, leading to net growth.
When the mixed layer depth extends below the critical depth: Phytoplankton are mixed deeper into the ocean, where light is insufficient for photosynthesis, so they spend more time in darkness or dim light. This results in light limitation, and there is no net phytoplankton growth because respiration exceeds photosynthesis.
net production and cell growth, in relation to mixed depth layer and critical depth
the mixed layer depth should be
shallower than critical depth (provided sufficient
red fields ratio
C:N:P = 106:16:1 for a healthy phytoplankton cell
* A. C. Redfield described the elemental composition of the bulk of the particulate organic matter in the
* C:N ratio is 6.6:1 - helps to determine the physiological status of the algae.
* When it is nitrogen limited algal cells die and C:N ratio increases.
for high NO3
- concentrations in
the polar region.
Low primary production
(plants cant take up)and global circulation
is the reason
Decrease of Sea Salinity
Salt from the sea water was relocated to the land in the form of rock salt.
* Decrease in salinity further helped the ocean to be more livable.
Through three major ways life
- Mass extinction - Through geological processes eradication of
species. - Stem evolution - Genetic
mutations while continental drift - Crown evolution - Bio- diversification when continents
Jellyfish are mostly carnivore and feed on
larvae and small fish.
sizes of plankton
femto pico nano micro meso macro mega
Femto- and picoplankton
1 ml of seawater there will be 1 million bacteria cells and approximately 100 million (1 x
photons in phtosynthesis
6CO2 +6H2O +48 photons of light 6O2 + C6H12O6
Net production/photosynthesis:
The gross photosynthesis -
New production:
The primary production that is supported
by newly produced nitrogen; the NO3
- that comes through
nitrification or upwelling.
Regenerated production:
The primary production that is
supported by regenerated nitrogen which are reduced forms
of N. NH4
, Urea etc.
Iz = mean irradiance experienced by the algal cell at mixed layer depth
I0 = Surface irradiance
k = attenuation coefficient
z = depth of mixed layer
Iz = I0*e-kz
If the mean irradiance is greater than the Ic (compensation irradiance) for the cell, it
can grow in the surface mixed layer.
describe the seasonal variation of mixed depth layer
During spring, the mixed layer depth
(MLD) is shallow. Further, the surface
light availability gets higher and the MLD
gets more shallower.
comparison of the mixed layer depth (MLD) and the critical depth.
Starting in mid-April, the mixed layer shallows and stays closer to or above the critical depth, which likely provides more light to the phytoplankton in the mixed layer. This could lead to the phytoplankton bloom seen in late April and May.
Timing of Phytoplankton Blooms:
The bloom in phytoplankton seems to occur after the mixed layer depth remains consistently above or equal to the critical depth in late April. This is consistent with the Critical Depth Hypothesis, which states that phytoplankton growth is optimized when the MLD is above the critical depth, allowing for sufficient light for net growth.
Thermal stratification oceans
Thermal stratification is absence of
vertical mixing which result in nutrient
poor surface waters.
* Polar regions are rich in nutrient but
limited by light.
Net PP of the global ocean range
between 40-50 Pg C year-1
inorganic carbon
, Bicarbonate,
carbonic acid in rain
4)bios-Carbonate in
like mussels