1 Flashcards
What is the difference between Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing?
LCC focuses on the dollar costs of constructing, operating, and maintaining a structure over its life.
LCA focuses on the environmental performance of a product.
Which of the following are comparisons of building efficiency used in Schematic Design?
i. ratio of net to gross floor areas
ii. Ratio of occupancy loads to parking spots
iii. Ratio between circulation and usable floor areas
iv. Wall surface to floor area ratios
v. capital, operating, and maintenance costs
Name three factors an architect may use to assess materials.
availability, warranties, technical data, samples, performance criteria, durability and maintenance, physical characteristics, fabrication and installation, cost, time for delivery, etc.
What are the four type of specifications?
Outline/preliminary, master, model, and project specifications
How do AHJ use working-drawings (2 possible answers)?
ensure the project conforms to existing regulations
plan for provision of services and utilities
Give two reasons why early consultation with building officials is good practice.
Early knowledge of approvals
AHJ can become familiar with project
Which of the following are standard methods used for the scheduling of projects?
i. Gantt Diagram
ii. Milestone Chart
iii. Program Evaluation and Review Technique
iv. Critical Path Method
Determining the Critical Path
longest pathway of sequential and parallel activities through a project’s schedule.
It represents the shortest time in which a project can be completed. Determining the critical path requires estimating the duration of activities and sequencing activities.
Define Architect
A person or entity registered, licensed or otherwise authorized exclusively to use the title “architect” and to practice architecture in a province or territory.
5 elements of the model code
Conflict of interest
Full disclosure
Compliance with laws
Professional conduct
What are 3 critical elements that the written Client-Architect Agreement should include?
The services being provided
the fee for the service
the various terms and conditions that govern the agreement
What are the expectations of the working drawings from both the clients and the architects perspective?
Architect- communicate project details to the clients in order to obtain approval, to prepare cost estimates, to review the work and to determine general conformity with the intent of the construction documents
Client- to check that the project will meet their requirements, to approve the bid package, to form part of the documents for the contract with the contractor
What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control?
quality assurance: planned and systematic activities implemented and demonstrated to provide confidence that the practice will fulfill requirements for quality (ie: audit of firm’s coordination activities – reviewing the causes of change orders)
quality control: operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirement for quality (ie: coordination of a complete set of tender documents)
What are the three most common methods of selecting a general contractor?
open competitive bids
invited competitive bids
direct selection
What is the role of a “Commissioning Agent”?
The commissioning agent is an independent third party, often hired by the owner to verify that both the facility design and resulting construction satisfy the client’s objectives and requirements.
Identify at least 1 strategy for dealing with the following site issues:
Site disturbance
Landscape/Exterior Design
Site water management
Heat islands
Light pollution
Site disturbance = Preserve all-natural site features (Avoid sensitive ecological areas) Locate buildings on previously disturbed parts of site
Compact/dense environments to reduce site disturbance
Landscape/Exterior Design = Avoid lawns. Use drought tolerant, native plants accommodate local precipitation
Utilize previous paving surfaces
Site water management = permeable surfaces /Green roofs soft
Use swales/retention ponds for natural infiltration
Control water runoff- Redirect storm/greywater for site irrigation
Heat islands =
Provide shade to all surfaces
Specify high reflectivity, light color material and roofing (use green roofs)
Light pollution = Favor downward exterior lighting, Use a lighting consultant
List strategies for passively reducing energy (direct or indirect) through site design.
- Utilizing topography - reduce wind exposure, moderate temp extremes,
minimize heat loss in cold climates. - vegetation - provide shade, serve as windbreaks, stabilize soil, attenuate sound
- Passive solar design - south facing glazing: COLD climates should be 30-50% of floor area. WARM climates
should be 15-20% of floor area - collect rainwater for reuse onsite
What are the principles of sustainable site design in terms of erosion and sediment control?
1 Minimize site disturbance during construction to minimize detrimental impacts on water and air quality
2 Conserve as much as possible of the existing vegetation on any site.
3 Provide long-term structural control and stabilization of soil.
4 Reference provincial environmental control regulations in all specifications
What is the difference between a One and Two pipes hydraulic heating system?
One-Pipe System, single pipe supplies hot water from the boiler to each radiator
Two-Pipe System 1st pipe supplies water to each radiator, 2nd pipe returns.
What is a Heat Pump and how does it work?
Eclectically powered heating/cooling units
Cooling = Normal compressive refrigeration cycle (transfer excess heat outdoors)
Heating = reverse normal compressive refrigeration cycle (draw heat energy from outdoor), condenser
becomes evaporator and vice versa
List 4 types of lighting
High-Intensity Discharge Lamps (HID)
Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
What are 4 advantages of water heating distribution systems?
Compact and easily hidden
combined with domestic hot water systems
comofrt - Good for radiant floor heating
can be zoned
What are 4 advantages of electric heating systems?
Most compact
Quick response to temperature changes
Easily zoned
Low initial cost
What are 3 advantages of forced air?
Quick response
Can also perform ventilation, cooling, humidity control and heating
No equipment in rooms
What is financial planning?
Financial plans break out costs and presented as a “pro forma,” not usually prepared by the architect, including:
- hard development costs (construction and land costs);
- soft development costs (professional and realtor fees);
- financing and carrying costs;
- market revenue analysis;
- escalation;
- rates of return on investment and capitalization
Construction Budget:
Construction Cost:
Construction Budget = max amount of money, including contingency allowances, which the client is prepared to spend on construction.
Construction Cost = all project elements : contract price + changes orders, permit fees, cm and procurement fees, taxes (but not value added taxes)
NOT - consultants fees, land or development fees, etc
what does cost analysis require?
- effective cost estimating
- financial analysis of various components
- management of the design and construction documentation process