09 05 2014 Upper Motor Neurons Flashcards
Where are ideas about movement formed?
Frontal lobe
where does planning (organization of movement) occur
Pre motor cortical areas: -premotor cortex (lateral) -supplementary motor area (medial and going over longitudinal fissure) Areas are active prior to movement.
Parietal association cortex
Area behind the central gyrus (areas 5 and 7 -brodman) -integrated picture of where your body is lined up (proprioception) + visual input. -Lets ou know where you are in relation to the environment. -invovled with planning areas of brain = coordinate movement. Signals to pre central cortex which sends signals down the spinal cord.
lesions in motor planning areas (premotor cortical areas or the posterior parietal cortex) -diffuclty using body part to perform complex voluntary actions. -contralateral - no obvious muscle weakness, no paralysis, no alteration in tone. no decreased reflexes. -They just can’t organize movement ex. pour water into a cup. -they can’t plan a movement
Who is in charge of the “execute” part of motor movement?
primary motor cortex (precentral gyrus) -origin of corticospinal tract
Large Betz cells
Lamina layer 5 in primary motor cortex -project directly to motor neurons (no interneurons)
What type of connection do Corticospinal tract neurons have with motor neurons ?
Direct connection to motor neurons - -enable fine movements – finger muscles.
What is the somatotopical organization of the pre central gyrus?
-Lower extremity are most medial. -Trunk -upper extremity is most lateral
Where is the corticobulbar tract in relation to the pre central gyrus?
superior to the sylvan fissure and in the pre central gyrus. (Broadmann area 4)
Does the motor cortex “code” for specific muscles?
no. it codes for purposeful movements. (slide 8 – experiments with monkeys) 1. stimulation to one site elicits completely different sets of muscle patterns depending on start position 2. motor cortex codes for endpoints (goals) of movements.
Corticospinal tract (overall tract)
(Aka Pyramidal track) -Starts in precentral gyrus and traces down brainstem (ventral surface of brain). -decussates at bottom of medulla (pyramidal decussation) -travesl down spinal cord and innervates motor neurons directly or indirectly
Where does the corticospinal tract originate?
Area 4 of Bodmann but there are also inputs from area 6 (rostral), 3,1,2 (all are caudal).
What path does the corticospinal tract take (in cortex) to start heading down to brainstem?
Posterior limb of the internal capsule
Does the corticospinal tract decussate?
yes. pyramidal decussation. -caudal medulla. =lateral corticospinal tract
Does all the corticospinal tract decussate?
no. 10% of tract does not decussate. -forms the anterior corticospinal tract
Arrangement of motor neurons going to thumb as it goes from pre central gyrus –> thumb
-thumb is most lateral in precentral gyrus. - It is most anterior and medial structure when it hits the caudal medulla. -after it hits the caudal medulla it continues as the most medial structure in both the lateral and anterior corticospinal tracts.
Based on the location of the lateral corticospinal tract… what (general) types of muscles will it innervate
since it is lateral to the ventral horn: -distal muscles
Based on the location of the anterior corticospinal tract… what (general) types of muscles will it innervate
since it is ventral to the ventral horn: -promixal muscles
What happens if there is stroke in the middle cerebral artery?
- can affect the posterior internal capusl. -Everything would be affected. So if right middle arterial artery was blocked –> affect corticospinal tract for left side of the body –> contralateral hemiparesis.
Typical features of stroke of middle meningeal artery?
-head tilted -Paresis of lower facial muscles -upper limb is flexed -lower lim is extended -foot is inverted