07 Lymphadenopathy and lymphomas Flashcards
Non-Hodgkins lymphomas: Follicular lymphoma Diffuse Large B cell Mantle Cell Marginal Zone Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma Burkitt
Suggestion of reactive vs. neoplastic
- Very quick growing lymphaednopathy
- Less than 1cm
- Tender
- mobile
- fever, chills, visible infection source
Nodular/follicular Non Hodgkins BCL (small tumor size)
Follicular lymphoma, Mantle Cell (intermediate tumor size), Marginal Zone, CLL/SLL
Follicular lymphoma
20% of all lymphomas
most t(14:18) BCL2 overepression (antiapoptotic- fairly indolent)
CD5(-), CD 10(+), (CD19,20 + mature BCLS)
Generally indolent in 60 yo males but can transform to Diffuse large B cell lymphoma, and burkitts.
Can treat with Chemo and Rituximab if patient is symptomatic
Extranodal Marginal Zone lymphoma
Tumors of memory B cells at MALT sites: t(11;18), t(1;14),t(14;18)
Indolent disorder that may go away if inciting factor removed (i.e. H. pylori)
Can also be treated with chemo, rads, resection
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Naiive B cell tumor, t(11;14) IgH and Cyclin D1 fusion: cell cycle promoter-
CD5 (+) CD 23 (-), (CD19,20 + with IgMorD plus Cyclin D1 staining)
Moderately agressive- GENERALIZED LYMPHADENOPATHY in older males. 3-4 year surival: Poor prognosis
Diffuse Non hodgkin BCLs (large tumor size)
Diffuse large BCL
Burkitts lymphoma
Burkitts Lymphoma
Germinal center B cells t(8;14) c-MYC translocation (can also be 2:8, 8:22)
CD10(+), CD 19, 20 (+)
AGGRESSIVE EBV ASSOCIATED(especially in Africa- madibular mass) In america adolescents or young adults with ileocecal masses POST TRANSPLANT (immunosuppressed)
Starry sky patternof diffuse lymphoid cells with large “tingable body macrophages” that have phagocytosed dead tumor cells.
Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma
Aggressive rapidly growing mass with many chromosomal abnormalities (can be from a follicular lymphoma transformation)
Diffuse Lymphocytes with cells much larger than others
Treat with aggressive chemo
T/NK cell Lymphomas
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma
Anaplastic Large-cell lymphoma
Extranodal NK/Tcell Lymphoma
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
CTL 2p23 rearrangements of ALK(TKR) gene t(2;5)
CD8 (+)
Agressive tumor in children and young adults
Good prognosis with treatment
Extranodal NK/Tcell Lymphoma
NK or CTL(CD8+) cell neoplasm
EBV associated in Asia/ south america- Adult nasopharyngeal masses
Agressive with necrosis and angioinvasion
Poor prognosis
Peripheral T cell lymphoma
T cell lymphoma
Agressive T cell lymphoma in adults with lymphadenopathy,
Poor prognosis
Classical Hodgkins Lymphoma
Inflammatory cells with REED STERNBERG CELLS- Large Eosinophilic "owl eye" nuclei. B lineage neoplasm CD 20 (-) ****, CD15,30 (+)
Usually young adults and can be EBV associated
CONTIGUOUS SPREAD - mediastinal to cervical
Moderately aggressive with good response to chemo
Nodular sclerosing*, Mixed cellularity, Lymphocyte predominate, Lymphocyte depleted
Nodular lymphocyte predominant HL (non-classical HL)
CD15,30 (-), CD20,45(+)
30-50 YO
Nodular popcorn cells
Indolent with relapses
EBV associated neoplasms
Endemic/post transplant Burkitts
Post transplant Lymphoproliferative disorder
Extranodal NK/T cell Lymphoma
Classical Hodgkins
Diffuse large B cell Lymphoma, T cell lymphomas
Nasopharyngeal carcinomas