062.02 RADIO AIDS Flashcards
On an RMI the front end of a VOR pointer indicates the (…).
On an RMI the front end of a VOR pointer indicates the (radial plus 180°).
For a CAT IIIB ILS, the DH is (…) ft and the min. RVR is (…) m.
For a CAT IIIB ILS, the DH is (less than 50 or no DH) ft and the min. RVR is (less than 200 but no less than 75) m.
Every 10 kts decrease in ground speed on a 3° ILS glide path, will require an approximate (increase/decrease) in the aircraft’s ROD of (50/100) ft/min.
Every 10 kts decrease in ground speed on a 3° ILS glide path, will require an approximate (decrease) in the aircraft’s ROD of (50) ft/min.
The VDF class C bearing is accurate to withing +/- (…)°.
The VDF class C bearing is accurate to withing +/- (10)°.
- 2(a) • 5(b) = 10(c) -
The allocated frequencies for NDB are (… - …) kHz.
The allocated frequencies for NDB are (190 - 1750) kHz.
The airborne equipment required to be fitted in order that a VDF let-down may be flown is (…).
The airborne equipment required to be fitted in order that a VDF let-down may be flown is (VHF transmitter-receiver).
For a CAT II ILS, the DH is (…) ft and the min. RVR is (…) m.
For a CAT II ILS, the DH is (less than 200 but more than 100) ft and the min. RVR is (300) m.
Range errors indicated by DME ‘N’ should not exceed +/- (…) NM plus (…)% of the distance measured.
Range errors indicated by DME ‘N’ should not exceed +/- (0.25) NM plus (1.25)% of the distance measured.
The three sectors for holding entry are:
- Sector 1: (…)
- Sector 2: (…)
- Sector 3: (…)
The sectors that can be used for DME are sectors (…).
The three sectors for holding entry are:
- Sector 1: (parallel)
- Sector 2: (offset)
- Sector 3: (direct)
The sectors that can be used for DME are sectors (1 and 3).
ILS Facility Performances:
- CAT I - Guidance until (…) ft
- CAT II - Guidance until (…) ft
- CAT III - Guidance until RWY
ILS Facility Performances:
- CAT I - Guidance until (200) ft
- CAT II - Guidance until (50) ft
- CAT III - Guidance until RWY
For a CAT IIIA ILS, the DH is (…) ft and the min. RVR is (…) m.
For a CAT IIIA ILS, the DH is (less than 50 or no DH) ft and the min. RVR is (200) m.
BFO selection will make the (modulation tone/carrier wave) audible. This is done using N0N (A1A/A2A) transmissions.
BFO selection will make the (carrier wave) audible. This is done using N0N (A1A) transmissions.
Outer marker:
- Colour: (…)
- Code: (…) per sec.
- Tone pitch: (…) Hz
- Distance from threshold: (…) NM
Outer marker:
- Colour: (blue)
- Code: (2 dashes) per sec.
- Tone pitch: (400) Hz
- Distance from threshold: (4-7) NM
The type of modulation used for the ILS frequency carrier is (…) modulation.
The type of modulation used for the ILS frequency carrier is (amplitude) modulation.
The indication of a FROM / TO indicator of a CDI will shift from TO / FROM (and vice versa) when the vallue difference between the selected course and the measured radioal passes (…)° in either direction.
The indication of a FROM / TO indicator of a CDI will shift from TO / FROM (and vice versa) when the vallue difference between the selected course and the measured radioal passes (90)° in either direction.
The VDF class A bearing is accurate to withing +/- (…)°.
The VDF class A bearing is accurate to withing +/- (2)°.
- 2(a) • 5(b) = 10(c) -
The design requirements for DME-P (equipment certified after 1 January 1989) stipulates that the total system error should not exceed (…) NM.
The design requirements for DME-P (equipment certified after 1 January 1989) stipulates that the total system error should not exceed (0.2) NM.
For a CAT I ILS, the DH is (…) ft and the min. RVR is (…) m.
For a CAT I ILS, the DH is (minimum 200) ft and the min. RVR is (550) m.
An en-route DME and VOR that have the same Morse code identification are associated and are within (100/600/2000) ft of each other.
An en-route DME and VOR that have the same Morse code identification are associated and are within (2000) ft of each other.
Mountain effect is caused by (…). It can concern (VOR/NDB/VOR and NDB).
Mountain effect is caused by (reflection). It can concern (VOR and NDB).
A terminal DME and VOR that have the same Morse code identification are associated and are within (100/600/2000) ft of each other.
A terminal DME and VOR that have the same Morse code identification are associated and are within (100) ft of each other.
Inner marker:
- Colour: (…)
- Code: (…) per sec.
- Tone pitch: (…) Hz
- Distance from threshold: (…) NM
Inner marker:
- Colour: (white)
- Code: (6 dots) per sec.
- Tone pitch: (3000) Hz
- Distance from threshold: (0.1) NM
Night effect is a phenomenon that affects NDB signals at night, caused by Sky Waves being reflected back from the ionosphere. This happens because at night the (…)layer in the ionosphere disappears and the signals reach the(… and …) layers which reflect them back.
Night effect is a phenomenon that affects NDB signals at night, caused by Sky Waves being reflected back from the ionosphere. This happens because at night the (D)layer in the ionosphere disappears and the signals reach the(E and F) layers which reflect them back.
The scanning beam of the MLS is called (Angle/Phase/Time/Frequency) Reference Scanning Beam.
The scanning beam of the MLS is called (Time) Reference Scanning Beam (TRSB).
With regard to the range of NDB’s and the accuracy of the bearings they provide can be stated that in general at night the range (increases/decreases) and the accuracy (increases/decreases).
With regard to the range of NDB’s and the accuracy of the bearings they provide can be stated that in general at night the range (increases) and the accuracy (decreases).
Full defelction on a glide slope indicator indicates that the aircraft is (…)° avobe or below the correct glide path.
Full defelction on a glide slope indicator indicates that the aircraft is (0.7)° avobe or below the correct glide path.
DME range measurement is initiated by the (interrogator/transponder) (on the ground/in the aircraft).
DME range measurement is initiated by the (interrogator) (in the aircraft).
Frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - (…) MHz.
Frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - (117.95) MHz.
With regard to the monitoring of a VOR, the monitor will remove the identification or switch off the VOR transmitter if there is a change of measured bearing greater than (0.5/1/1.5/2)°.
With regard to the monitoring of a VOR, the monitor will remove the identification or switch off the VOR transmitter if there is a change of measured bearing greater than (1)°.
A VOT is a (terminal/trial/test/tracking) VOR.
A VOT is a (test) VOR.
The MLS ground base equipment consists of (combined/seperate) azimuth and elevation transmitters and a (VOR/NDB/DME) facility.
The MLS ground base equipment consists of (seperate) azimuth and elevation transmitters and a (DME) facility.
Middle marker:
- Colour: (…)
- Code: (…) per sec.
- Tone pitch: (…) Hz
- Distance from threshold: (…) NM
Middle marker:
- Colour: (yellow)
- Code: (alternating dots and dashes).
- Tone pitch: (1300) Hz
- Distance from threshold: (0.5) NM
For a CAT IIIC ILS, the DH is (…) ft and the min. RVR is (…) m.
For a CAT IIIC ILS, the DH is (no DH) and the min. RVR is (no RVR limitation).
Describe the 1:60 method.
Height = glideslope in ° • 100 • distance in NM
A pilot flying an NDB approach must achieve a tracking accuracy of within +/- (…)° of the published approach track.
A pilot flying an NDB approach must achieve a tracking accuracy of within +/- (5)° of the published approach track.
Full scale deflection for an ILS is (…)°and for a VOR(…)°.
Full scale deflection for an ILS is (2.5)°and for a VOR(10)°.
The Doppler effect is used to create a signal which is received by the aircraft’s VOR-receiver as a(n) (amplitude/frequency) modulated signal.
The Doppler effect is used to create a signal which is received by the aircraft’s VOR-receiver as a(n) (frequency) modulated signal.
A locator is a (low/high) powered beacon and typically has a range of 10 - (25/200) NM.
A locator is a (low) powered beacon and typically has a range of 10 - (25) NM.
The frequency range for Terminal VORs and ILS is (…). TVORs are confined to(odd/even)decimals, while ILSs are confined to(odd/even)decimals. En-route VORs use frequencies(…).
The frequency range for Terminal VORs and ILS is (108 - 111.975 (≈112) ). TVORs are confined to (even) decimals, while ILSs are confined to (odd) decimals. En-route VORs use frequencies (112-117.975 (≈118) ).
The localiser antenna radiates two overlapping lobes of radio energy on the same carrier frequency (VHF) but carrying different amplitude-modulations; 150 Hz (left/right) lobe and 90 Hz (left/right) lobe.
The localiser antenna radiates two overlapping lobes of radio energy on the same carrier frequency (VHF) but carrying different amplitude-modulations; 150 Hz (right) lobe and 90 Hz (left) lobe.

The VDF class B bearing is accurate to withing +/- (…)°.
The VDF class B bearing is accurate to withing +/- (5)°.
- 2(a) • 5(b) = 10(c) -
MLS operates in the (…) frequency band, (200/300) kHz frequency separation giving (100/150/200) available channels.
MLS operates in the (SHF) frequency band, (300) kHz frequency separation giving (200) available channels.
Glidepath vertical coverage is from (…) • θ to (…) • θ
Horizontal coverage extending in aziumth +/- (…)° of then extended centerline out to a range of (…) NM.
Glidepath vertical coverage is from (0.45) • θ to (1.75) • θ
Horizontal coverage extending in aziumth +/- (8)° of then extended centerline out to a range of (10) NM.
An aircraft is considered to be established when it is within (full/half full) scale deflection for the ILS and VOR and within +/- (…)° of the required bearing for the NDB.
An aircraft is considered to be established when it is within (half full) scale deflection for the ILS and VOR and within +/- (5)° of the required bearing for the NDB.
For two aircraft located on (arbitrary) different radials but at the same distance from a VOR-station, at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals are (equal/unequal) and the phase of the variable signals are (equal/unequal).
For two aircraft located on (arbitrary) different radials but at the same distance from a VOR-station, at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals are (equal) and the phase of the variable signals are (unequal).
For two aircraft located on the same radial but at (arbitrary) different distances from a VOR-station, at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals are (equal/unequal) and the phase of the variable signals are (equal/unequal).
For two aircraft located on the same radial but at (arbitrary) different distances from a VOR-station, at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals are (unequal) and the phase of the variable signals are (unequal).
MLS installations notified for operation provide azimuth coverage of +/- (20/40)° about the nominal courseline out to a range of (10/20/30) NM.
MLS installations notified for operation provide azimuth coverage of +/- (40)° about the nominal courseline out to a range of (20) NM.
Locarlizer coverage is from the center of the localiser aerial out to a distance of 17 NM within +/- (…)° and to 25 NM within +/- (…)°.
Locarlizer coverage is from the center of the localiser aerial out to a distance of 17 NM within +/- (35)° and to 25 NM within +/- (10)°.
DME operates within an allocated frequency spread (…) MHz (in the UHF band).
DME operates within an allocated frequency spread (960 - 1215) MHz (in the UHF band).