05 Nutritional anthropometry Flashcards
What is Nutritional anthropometry?
Nutritional anthropometry is defined as the “quantitative measurements of the physical dimensions and the gross composition of the human body and their variations at different age levels and degrees of nutrition”.
Anthropometric measurements are of two types
physical dimensions and gross composition.
Anthropometric measurements
have been widely used for the assessment of the nutritional status of both children and adults. True or false?
What is Gross composition ?
Gross composition refers to the anatomical makeup of the body in terms of bone, muscle, water and fat.
Usually, a single measure will not provide a comprehensive overview of the patients’ condition and so a number of measurements are required to form a more reasoned assessment. True or false?
What are the core elements of anthropometry ?
height, weight, body mass index (BMI), body circumferences (waist, hip, and limbs), and skinfold thickness
anthropometric measurements are important because they represent diagnostic criteria for…………………..
nutritional disorders and obesity.
anthropometric measurements can be used as a baseline for …………… and to measure the progress of fitness.
physical fitness
What is BMI ?
Body mass index (BMI)
BMI (kg/m2) = weight (kg) / height 2 (m2)
BMI < 18.5 is ………….
Under weight
BMI =>…….. is extremly obese
BMI = 18.5 - 24.9 is ………….
BMI = 25 - 29.9 is ………….
Over weight
BMI = …………… is obese
30 - 39.9
What is Mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)
Involves measuring the circumference of the mid-point on upper arm using a tape.
• This is a surrogate measure of both fat mass and fat-free mass
………….. is a useful measure when a person cannot be weighed or if their weight is not likely to be a true reflection of the persons’ actual weight, e.g. if the patient has edema or ascites
Mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)