04 Flashcards
pantry [ˈpæntrɪ]
буфетная комната, кладовая
hunt [hʌnt]
overhaul [ˌəʊvəˈhɔːl]
капитально ремонтировать; перестраивать,
демонтаж, капитальный ремонт
scruffy [ˈskrʌfɪ]
неряшливый; грязный
They live in a scruffy part of town.
a small, scruffy-looking man
acquittal [əˈkwɪtl]
acquittal (+on charges of…)
оправдание (по суду), освобождение (от долга, обязательства)
An Ontario Court judge has acquitted Jian Ghomeshi on four counts of sexual assault
tainted [ˈteɪntɪd]
загнивающий; начинающий гнить, портиться
‘Tainted’ testimony leads to Ghomeshi acquittal on all charges
deceptive [dɪˈsɛptɪv]
обманчивый, вводящий в заблуждение
The plan seemed deceptively simple
…“deceptive and manipulative” evidence of complainants raised a reasonable doubt in the guilt of the former CBC Radio host.
bait [beɪt]
завлекать, соблазнять, насаживать наживку на крючок
We put down some poisoned bait to kill the rats.
Free holidays were offered as (a) bait to customers.
unshaken [ʌnˈʃeɪkən]
непоколебленный, твердый
unshaken resolution - твердое решение
riddle [ˈrɪdl]
решетить, дырявить
their testimony was “so riddled with inconsistencies and improbabilities and proven lies under oath that it cannot be said to prove anything
flinty [ˈflɪntɪ]
жесткий, суровый, твердый
flinty reputation
a flinty material
dulcet [ˈdʌlsɪt]
приятный, сладкозвучный
dulcet public tones
приветливый; учтивый, любезный; дружеский
She was quite affable at the meeting.
gamine [ˈɡæmiːn]
Her newly cropped hair gives her a fashionably gamine look
ornately [ɔːˈneɪtlɪ]
цветисто, витиевато, пышно; аляповато
ornately manicured finger
insouciant [ɪnˈsuːsɪənt]
беззаботный, безразличный
a relaxed and happy way of behaving without feeling worried or guilty:
I admired his youthful insouciance.
defiance [dɪˈfaɪəns]
вызов, вызывающее поведение, полное пренебрежение
Henein stares into the camera with insouciant defiance, the incarnation of her calculated corporate image: hip, upscale and fearless.
litigation [lɪtɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n]
судебный процесс
civil litigation specialist