02 Flashcards
breathalyzer [ˈbrɛθ(ə)laɪzə]
индикаторная трубка для определения алкоголя
hold forth…on
to express your opinions for a long time:
She held forth all through lunch on a variety of subjects.
During his training session he holds forth on life, sex and the transformative power of his brand of hot yoga.
тоскующий; томящийся, горящий желанием
She cast a wistful glance at the bridal gowns in the window.
all but
almost completely
In some places, bus service has all but disappeared.
The wistful predictions that oil might soon return to its pre-summer highs are all but gone now
exodus [ˈɛksədəs]
массовый уход или выезд; бегство
The hurricane warning caused a mass exodus.
riddance [ˈrɪd(ə)n(t)s]
уборка, очистка
Good riddance! — Тем лучше!, Скатертью дорога!
audacity [ɔːˈdæsətɪ]
нахальство, наглость, дерзость
храбрость, безрассудство
Our mayor has the audacity to claim credit for improvements he had nothing to do with.
чистый; высокого качества
sublime food
снежная буря, буран
We didn’t get out for three days after the blizzard was over.
чуть теплый, почти холодный
There is only tepid support in Congress for the proposal.
одомашненный; укрощенный
Their goats seem very tame.
дерзкий, развязный; нахальный
I was a sassy kid who sometimes talked back to my mother.
оригинальный, необычный
an offbeat sense of humor
guileless [ˈɡaɪlləs]
простодушный, бесхитростный
He was completely guileless and trusting.