01 Flashcards
выкуп; погашение (долга, задолженности); возвращение (обычно путем выкупа)
освобождение; спасение; избавление
исправлять, восстанавливать репутацию
to improve yourself, or to take action to improve the way other people think of you or something you have done
- After his poor performance in the golf tournament two weeks before, he was determined to redeem himself by playing well
to buy back something, or to exchange something for money or for goods or services:
- You can redeem the bond at any time, but you will lose some interest.
посланник; дипломатический представитель
We were stopped at the border and interrogated for hours by the police.
фанатизм; нетерпимость
racial/religious bigotry
убирайся!; вон!
“Begone!” he shouted. “And never show your face again!”
gawky [ˈɡɔːkɪ]
неуклюжий, неловкий
tall and awkward:
a gawky teenager
nail file
пилочка для ногтей
edict [ˈiːdɪkt]
указ, декрет; решение; официальное заявление
a court edict
per se [ˌpɜːˈseɪ]
само по себе; по сути, непосредственно
Now living in New York, journalist said she’s not opposed to the hijab per se, but to edicts that force girls as young as 7 to wear it.
It is not a pretty town per se, but it is where my family comes from, so I like it.