04-01: Patient Management, Body Mechanics, Vital Signs Flashcards
Definition and purpose of HIPAA
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - Protects confidentiality of pt medical info, protects pt record when stored, protects pt records between healthcare providers and insurers
Patient Identifiers
- 18 identifiers
- Name, address, date of birth, last four digits of SS#, Contact info, All ages over 89, Vehicle identifiers, Device identifiers, biometrics, photo images
5 steps of Patient Management
Examination, Evaluation, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Plan of Care: Intervention
Open-ended questions
Questions that require patient to elaborate and give details
Closed-ended questions
Yes or no questions
Four parts to an intervention
- Type: What activity is being done
- Amount: Number of sets/reps
- Duration: How long exercise /activity done
- Frequency: How many times/day was activity done
Preparation for Patient Care
- Be aware of environment at all times
- Prepare treatment area
- Handling of patients
Preparing treatment area
- Sufficient room to work with pt
- Safe environment
- Gather necessary equipment
- Clean any equipment prior to and after treatment
Patient preparation
- Prepare treatment area
- Gait belt
- Keep patient informed (Limit waiting time)
- Appropriate pt dress: modest. safe
- Appropriate footwear: shoes, non-skid socks
- Draping for modesty, treatment
- Observe location of lines and equipment attached to pt
Types of CDC Handwashing
- Handwashing: Plain soap and water
- Antiseptic: Washing hands with antiseptic agent
- Alcohol-based rub: Rubbing with alcohol-containing preparation
- Surgical hand hygiene/antiseptis: Washing or using alcohol-based hand rub before surgery
Hand Hygiene - Visibly soiled
Wash with non-antimicrobial or antimicrobial soap and water
Hand Hygiene - Not visibly soiled
Alcohol-based hand rub for routinely decontaminating hands
When to wash hands
- Hands are visibly soiled with blood or infectious matter
- Touching contaminated items
- Before and after treating patients
- Removal of PPE
Principle of proper body mechanics
- Center of gravity over base of support (BOS should be shoulder width apart)
- Reduces stress on musculoskeletal system during lifting, lowering, pushing and carrying
5 Cardinal Rules of Body Mechanics
- Keep load close to you
- Widen the BOS
- Isometric contraction of trunk (Stabilizes back)
- LIft with legs
- Do not twist
Gait Belt
- Safety device that provides level of control for PTA/PT with pt during transfers and gait training
- Used in case patient starts to fall, loses balance
- Can pull patient close or control lowering to ground
Gait training
Skilled teaching mechanics of normal vs. abnormal movement
No skills required for gait, just movement
Position guarding during gait
- Posterior and slightly lateral to pt (about 45˚)
- On the involved side, feet in stride with pt
If patient has LOB…
- PTA pulls pt towards him creating COG ot PTA/pt over BOS and lowers pt to ground
Verbal Cues
Providing auditory commands for specific action
Area of physical therapy that includes workstation modification - moving things around to avoid repetitive motions