02 Production Optimization Flashcards
Measurements to implement a more flexible and more efficient production
- Investment in modern automation technology
- Value stream optimization in assembly
- Use of collaborative lightweight robots
- Increase of production volume
- Reduction of lead time
- Targeted use of human labour
Task of Production Improvment
increase production efficiency in the four target dimensions
- Variability
- Quality
- Profitability
- Speed
Logical target square of production
Logical target square of production describes the mutual relationship of the four target dimensions of production improvement.
Logical target square of production - Contradictory conflicting goals
Improvement in the degree of achievement of one goal leads to a deterioration in the other goal
(Examples in Summary)
Logical target square of production - Contrary conflicting goals
Fulfilment of the two goals cannot be improved at the same time -> Fulfilment of one goal without deteriorating the other is possible
(Examples in Summary)
Logical target square of production - Target Subordination
On of the goals might be more important in the project context of the project -> Preferred to improve this goal
(Examples in Summary)
Logical target square of production - Target Compatibility
Exists when the degree of fulfilment of two targets cannot be worsened at the same time
(Examples in Summary)
Value Stream Design
Method to improve Production Processes while production is running
Elements of a Value Stream
o Dotted lines -> Information flows
o Solid lines -> Material flows (if information is delivered via paper it is also shown solid)
o Suppliers/Customers
o Own company
Control Strategies in Production
- Push Control
- Pull Control
- Capacity Levelling
Push Control
Based on specifications from production planning, products to be manufactured are pushed into production.
High delivery capacity can be guaranteed through intermediate and final storage
Optimal utilization of production machines and employees
Disadvantages: Wastage in the form of stocks; Low Flexibility regarding customer’s change requests
Pull Control
Production is only started when a customer order is received or stocks have reached an individually defined minimum.
Reduces stocks as well as search and transport efforts
Disadvantage: High dependency on suppliers
Capacity Levelling
Smoothing of production orders
Production orders are distributed evenly with the aim of evenly utilizing all capacities along the process chain
Kaizen (LEAN Principle)
Generic Term for continuous improvement of a product or process
SMED (LEAN Principle)
Single Minute Exchange of Die
Technique to reduce set-up time of production machines or lines
FTT (LEAN Principle)
First Time Through
Percentage of parts which do not have to be reworked
3PL Warehouse (LEAN Principle)
Third Party Logistics Warehouse
External Logistics service provider who also offers the storage of goods besides transportation
Four Phase of business Analytics
- Descriptive Analytics
- Diagnostic Analytics
- Predictive Analytics
- Prescriptive Analytics
Descriptive Analytics
o Key Question: What happened?
o Collection and analysis of (production) data with the goal of generation information
o Exclusive use of information from the past (historical data)
o Aggregation and targeted consolidation of existing data
o Clearly arranged presentation of information through tables, figures and graphics
-> Descriptive Analytics is used to understand current events in the production process and to describe different aspects in an aggregated way
-> Applied methods of data acquisition and processing:
* ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Data from different acquisition systems is combined in a data warehouse
* Data Warehouse Cross-database serves as a data base for analytical processes in the following. Does not directly access the data of the operating business and thus does not interfere
* OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Provides multi-dimensional visual processing of data in data cubes.
Diagnostic Analytics
o Key Question: Why did it happen?
o Detailed analysis of recorded data with the aim of identifying the cause
o Development of knowledge by recognizing patterns
o Recognition of connections and interdependencies or correlations
-> By the identification and the subsequent analysis of the event’s cause the user gets a deeper insight into the production process
-> The central concept of Diagnostic Analytics is Data Mining:
* Data evaluation with statistical methods to uncover new links, connections and trends
* Methods and objectives: Outlier detection, clustering, classification, association analysis, regression analysis, etc.
* Apriori algorithm (an example of association analysis)
Apriori Algorithm
o Frequent use in the context of market basket analysis
o Using the a priori gene the frequency of purchase of goods is determined and afterwards the correlation
o Result of the algorithm is a correlation of the form “If shampoo and aftershave were bought, shaving foam was also bought in 90% of cases.
Predictive Analytics
o Key Question: What will happen?
o The combination of existing data with rules and algorithms allows a prediction of prospective, probably occurring events
o Identification of opportunities and risks on the basis of the comparison of current and historical data
o Prediction of complex (economic) contexts
o Possibility of evaluation of potential fields of action
Predictive Analytics is used in various fields of research nowadays, to predict behavior and future events in series production
-> Analytical Methods: For the generation of collected data numerous models and algorithms are suitable (e.g. Bayesian classification, Sequence Discovery, regression analysis etc.)
* Exponential smoothing
Exponential Smoothing
Method of time series analysis for short-term forecasting from a sample with periodic historical data
o Mainly used when the time series reveals no systematic pattern
o Data with increasing actuality refers a higher weighting
Prescriptive Analytics
o Key Question: What needs to be done to prevent it?
o Automatic synchronization of data, mathematical calculations and business rules lead to decision-making ability of enterprises
o Concrete forecasts about type, scope, timing and reason likelihood of occurring events
o Information about required actions with the goal of achieving predicted results
o Demonstration of the resulting effects based on any decision and the mutual influence
-> Using prescriptive analytics companies are able to anticipate the influence on their production and to optimize them before the occurrence of errors.
->Optimization methods
* Three main components of an optimization problem: Variables, the overall objective and constraints
* To describe different cases, suitable optimization models have to be selected
o Linear optimization (Cost – Quantity)
o Non-linear optimization (Price – Demand)
o Integer optimization (Bus – Passengers)