01: Rationality. Shafir, LeBoeuf 2002 Flashcards
Rationality in research lit :
Consistency w own views n preferences compatibly w logic n probability
Ppl irrationally swayed by
immaterial factors:
- mood
- context
- presentation
- Limited rationality necessitated by
- in fact due to
- Limited computational power, attention, memory
- way of making choices
hard-easy effect
Estimation of own success probability:
overconfident esp w hard tasks
stimes underconfident w easy tasks
(rarely well-calibrated)
usually work
often fail
representativeness heuristic
trait attribution by conformity to stereotypes
regardless f probability laws
Left-wing Linda is a bank teller
Left-wing Linda is a bank teller AND a feminist (conjunction)
remarkability heuristic
overestimate remarkable evidence w low weight
underestimate unremarkable evidence w high weight
Support theory
Probability judgments are made comparing the PERCEIVED strength of THE DESCRIPTION of evidence for this vs alternate hypotheses.
- unpacking description into multiple points sways tw favourable judgment
Linear model f t human judge
= linear combination f attributes
…performs better than the modelled human judge!
Rational choice
is based on
should be…
…based on subjective utilities of anticipated events, weighted by estimated probabilities.
…should be independent of choice representation n elicitation, but it is not!
> framing effect
Individual preferences
are not…
…well ordered
…arise/are constructed during the choice process
Prospect theory
[Tversky, Kahnemann]
- probability has non linear impact
- gains n losses matter, not wealth!
> endowment effect - S shaped function concave for gains (decreasing marginal utility), convex for losses (risk aversion)
Gains n losses w same EV, diff variance:
Most ppl prefer…
…least risky gain, most risky loss!
…even though can be just diff framing.
Preference reversal
Decisive attribute is chosen as the most compatible w description.
- eg pricing vs choice:
ppl prefer lotteries w higher win chance, but price tickets by payoff
Evaluability effect
When evaluating items in isolation, as opposed to comparing them, we don’t know what to expect.
E.g. Broad dictionary w torn cover
VS dictionary w good cover but half entries
Other misc rationality violations in choice:
- hard choice > search more alternatives (instead of: when curr options are bad)
- anticipated regret
- sunk costs
Hedonic utility of events:
- misremembered (eg overweighting end, extremes as compared to full experience)
- wrongly weighted (e.g. based on focus)
- both: wrongly assessed
Emotions, even transient, vs rational choice:
- favour pessimistic estimate of risks: fear/dread/but also good mood
- favour optimistic est. f risks:
anger - favours buying insurance: emotional attachment
- suggests frequency: vividness of remembrance
- improves judgment: halo effect
Dual process models f thinking =
E.g. Kahneman’s
“Thinking fast n slow”
> theories postulating 2 diff thinking systems:
1- fast, associative
2- based on reasoning rules
Irrationalities not eliminated by:
Also not:
- higher motivation
- expertise
- “need 4 cognition” i.e. appreciation of deep thinking (but improves)
Also not
- purely random, or
- trivial