01 Ethical Thought: A Divine Command Theory Flashcards
What is meta-ethical theory?
Studies the meaning of ethical language and the foundations and scope of ethical knowledge.
What is normative ethics?
Comes up with systems and procedures for judging moral acts as right or wrong and for regulating moral actions.
What is descriptive ethics?
Passes no judgment but recounts the ethical behaviour of communities or individuals.
What is applied ethics?
Puts normative theories into practice in real life situations.
What is another name for divine command theory?
Theological voluntarism
What does divine command theory say?
It is our duty to obey rules that are commanded by God. Any acts that are forbidden by God are necessarily bad or wrong.
What does theistic mean?
Belief in one God as creator and sustainer of the universe.
What does omnibonevolent mean?
All loving
What does omnipotent mean?
All powerful
What does omniscient mean?
All knowing
What does omnipresent mean?
Present everywhere.
What quote does God claim everything is good?
Genesis 1 : 31
‘God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good’
What does universal mean?
Applicable in all cases
What does relative mean?
Without binding laws, dependant upon context or situation.
What does absolute mean?
Universally valid, unaltered by reference to other factors.
Explain that God’s commands are the standard for moral behaviour.
Right is right only because God has commanded it and wrong is wrong only because it is forbidden by God’s will.
Where do God’s rules apply
Everywhere. There are universal.
What does Deontilogical mean?
Actions are judged to be morally right or wrong. This is regardless of the outcome.