03 Teleological Ethics: B Fletchers' Situation Ethics - The Principles As A Means Of Assessing Morality Flashcards
How many fundamental principles are the?
How many working principles are there?
What is the acronym for fletchers 10 principles?
How many principles does Joseph fletcher have?
Which of fletchers principles says that we should love every one even your enemies?
Love wills the neighbors good, weather we like him or not.
Which of fletchers principles says that love is always good and nothing else is always good?
Only one thing is intrinsically good; namely love: nothing else at all.
Which of fletchers ten principles says that the Christian rule is love and that all decisions should be made from love?
The ruling norm of Christian decisions is love, nothing else.
Which of fletchers 10 principles says that the end result is more important than the action?
A loving end justifies the means.
Which of fletchers 10 principles says that decisions aren’t based on rules but on what is most loving?
Decisions are made situationally not prescriptively.
Which of fletchers situation ethics 10 principles says that justice is love at work in the whole community?
Love and justice are the same thing as justice is love distributed.
Explain’ ‘ love wills the neigbours good, whether we like him or not’.
Love everyone, even your enemies.
Explain ‘only one thing is intrinsically good; namely love: nothing else at all.
Love is always good and nothing else is always good. If we do what is loving then the result will always be good.
Explain ‘the ruling norm of Christian decisions is love, nothing else.’
The Christian rule is love, all decisions should be made from love.
Explain ‘a loving end justifies the means’.
The end result is more important than the action. We can perform any action as long as it leads to a loving result.
Explain ‘decisions are made situationally not prescriptively.’
Decisions aren’t based on rules, they are based on what is most loving. We shouldn’t be slaves to laws.
Explain ‘love and justice are the same thing as justice is love distributed.’
Justice is love at work in the whole community.
”justice is love coping with situations where distribution is called for”.
Explain relativism. (SE)
Moral decisions have to take into account the circumstances of the situation. There are no moral absolutes other than the rule of love.
Explain personalism.
Puts the person first. We must love the person not the law.
Explain positivism.
Agape provides justification not proof for an ethical decision for an ethical decision. Love without evidence.
Explain pragmatism.
The action must result in practical loving outcome. It is about the loving actions therefore the actions must work.
Give an example of positivism.
Maximilian Kolbe sacrificed his life in a concentration camp to save a man with a family.