000099 Flashcards
what is the number 1 candy
who is the largest shoe seller?
how many hours do people use the web daily?
12 hours
when did the oreo company start?
what are the two largest categories products segement into?
the two categories products fall into are consumer and busines products
what needs do consumer products satisfy to customers who purchase them?
consumer products satisfy personal and family needs
after personal and family needs; how are consumer products market segmented?
consumer products are categorized by the general behavior in buying a specific item
for what use are business products purchased to fullfill?
business products are purchased to be used in a firms operation, to resell, or to use in the process of manufacturing other products
after being used in a firms operation, resold, or used in the process of manufacturing another products; how are business products classified?
they are classified according to their characterisitcs and intended uses whitin an organization
what are four kinds of consumer products?
three kinds of consumer products are convienience products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought products
the first kind of consumer products called convenience products have what characterisitcs?
convenience products have a relative low price and are inexpensive, and are also used frequently therefore buyers exert only minimal purchasing effort
how is time consumed and comparison; when buying convenience products?
usually a small amount of time and comparison is consumed when purchasing convenience products
normally where are convenience prodcts marketed through?
convenience prodcts are normally marketed in many reail outlets
how are convenience prodcts affected in the market by consumers?
normally they experience high inventory turn over and the per unit gross margins can become relatively low
what is the expected promotiol effort by convenience product producers?
minimal promotional effort in retail level can be expected by producers of convenience products
what is an important detail for convenince products that are on a self serve basis at retail stores?
on self service retail level stores packaging is an important factor for convenience products
for which items are shoppers willing to expend a considerable effort in planning and making a purchase?
buyers spend are willing to spend a considerable amount of time planning when shopping for a shooping product
what charcterisitcs do specialty products have?
specialty products can have one or more unique characterisitcs and buyers are willing to spend a considerable effort to obtain them
what are the characterisits of unsought products?
unsought products can be a sudden problem solver, products customers are unaware of, items people don’t necessarily think about buying like emergency kits, and automobile repairs
what are four brand equity types?
brand name awareness, perceived brand quality, brand associates, and brand loyalty
why do products fail?
products can fail by poor timing, ineffective promotion, insufficient distribution, failure to send the right message, and overestimate size of the markets
a brand is generally described as?
a brand can be described as a name, term, symbol, design, or other feature that identifies ones seller goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers
what is a brand name?
part that can be spoken, including letters, words, and numbers and often a product only distinguishing characterisitc
what is a brand mark?
an element of a brand that cannot be spoken often a symbol or design