0. The 100 crucial dates on European History Flashcards
1 January 1820
Riego Uprising.
Military start imposing the Liberal Regime
26-29 July 1830
New French Revolution. Definitive abolition of the Absolutist Monarchy in France (Monarchie de Juillet)
21 January 1848
Publication in London of the Manifest of the Communist Party
Marx and Engels
Liberal and social revolutions burst all over Europe
17 March 1861
Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy
23 September 1862
Bismarck at the head of the Prussian government
1-2 September 1870
French defeat at Sedan. End of the Franco-Prussian War
18 January 1871
Proclamation in Versailles of the German (2nd Reich)
18 March - 18 May 1871
French Commune
Beginning of the Berlin Conference regulating the European colonisation in Africa. Height of European Colonial Imperialism
28 June 1914
**Assasintion in Sarajevo **of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Throne
28 July 1914
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Beginning of World War I
3rd January 1916
Sykes Picot Agreements
Europeans decide the partition of the Ottoman Empire
7 November 1917
Russian “October” Revolution
11 November 1918
Signature of the Armistice between the Axis and the Allies. End of World War I.
First meeting of the League of Nations
21 January 1924
Death of Lenin
11 February 1929
Lateran Treaty. Creation of the Vatican State (Mussolini)
5 September 1929
Briand’s Proposal for a European Union
October 1929
Wall Street Crash
30 January 1933
**Adolf Hitler **appointed chancellor of Germany
23 March 1933
Enabling Act