속담 Flashcards
가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다
Treat someone well and they will treat you well
가는 날이 장날
Why of all the days I could have come is it busy today
갈수록 태산
Problems esculate if they aren’t fixed
고래 싸움에 새우 등 터진다
In a fight an innocent bystander always gets hurt
고생 끝에 낙이 온다
After a difficult job a good outcome is sure to come
금강산도 식후경
If you are hungry you can’t have fun
꼬리가 길면 밟힌다
If you continue doing bad you will end up getting caught one day
꿩 대신 닭
If you can’t get what you want get something similar
누워서 침 뱉기
If you hurt others you also hurt yourself
돌다리도 두들겨 보고 건너라
No matter how well you can do something, you should still take your time
땅 짚고 헤업치기
An extremely easy job
떡 줄 사람은 꿈도 안 꾸는데 김칫국부터 마신다
Thinking the deal is done without considering someone else who has the authority
말 한마디에 천 냥 빚도 갚는다
Words can patch up any problem
믿는 도끼에 발등 찍힌다
Trusting a person who then betrays you
밑 빠진 독에 물 붓기
A job destined to fail can only end in failure
바늘 도둑이 소 도둑 된다
If you start with little crimes you will end up making big ones
발 없는 말이 천 리 간다
Speak carefully because rumour spreads fast
배보다 배꼽이 더 크다
A repair cost is bigger than the original price
백문이 불여일견
Seeing is better than hearing about
빈 수레가 요란하다
Shallow people make up for it by being loud
산 넘어 산이다
Things won’t stop going wrong, one after another
세 살 적 버릇이 여든까지 간다
Bad habits as a child follow you through your life
소 잃고 외양간 고친다
It’s pointless trying to fix a problem when it’s about to fail
쇠귀에 경 읽기
No matter how hard you try, some people never listen
시작이 반이다
Starting is the hardest part
싼 것이 비지떡
The quality of a cheap product is the same as the price
아니 땐 굴뚝에 연기 나랴
No smoke without fire
우물 안 개구리
To believe one knows a lot even though they know a little
원송이도 나무에서 떨어진다
Even if you are good there are still times when you make mistakes
윗물이 맑아야 아랫물이 맑다
Young will grow up as their parents are
콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다
If you plant a black bean you’ll get a black bean
티끌 모아 태산
No matter how small something is, if you continue to gather it later it will be big
호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다
Speak of the devil and he will appear
귀를 기울이다
Take an interest in someone’s opinion
귀에 못이 박이다
To get sick of hearing the same words over and over
그림의 떡
No matter how much you like something, you can not obtain it
금이 가다
Relationship between 2 people has gotten worse
길눈이 아둡다
Bad sense of direction
낯을 가리다
Hate greeting new people