변호사처럼 생각하기 Flashcards
legal rules
Elements(preconditions) + legal consequences
Convention on the International Sale of Goods
Statutory interpretation
Teleological (telos = purpose)
hierarchy of laws
European Union Laws»_space;>
Constitution >
Laws passed by the parliament (e.g. Civil code, Children’s act), & international laws >
laws passed by the administrative bodies (e.g. High education act of the state of Berlin, and then 각 학교에 위임됨)
If an Executive power wants to sign the international agreement
Parliament should agree. Ratification
Hierarchy - EU laws
Primary EU law: Treaty of the European Union, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Secondary EU law: Regulations, Directives, Decisions
입법 제안하는 곳. 각 국가의 Part of the sovereign power 를 위임받은 주체들.
Supremacy of EU law
EU law overrides any kind of national law
Developed by ECJ case law (european court of justice)
Hard law, soft law?
Can be enforced by the state —> hard law
Hard law: EU law,national law
Soft law: International law (cannot be enforced, limited by state’s sovereignty)
성문법의 원칙
- 상위법 우선: 헌법> 법률> 명령> 규칙
- 특별법 우선: 특별법 > 일반법
- 신법 우선: 신>구
판례의 법적 구속력?
판례가 법은 아니니 법적 구속력은 없지만, 사실상의 구속력이 있음. 과거 대법원의 판결을 부정하지 않기 위해 선례와 같이 판결하는 경향이 있기 때문.
시대 흐름에 따라 과거 대법원의 판례를 바꿀수 있는데, 대법원 전원 합의체로 2/3 이상 동의 필요
(법적 안정성을 해하지 않기 위함)
What are relevant for 유럽연합의 conflict rules
Harmonized conflict rules
Law of obligations (contracts, torts)
Property and succession
Family law (marriage, divorce, childeren)
Who are energy traders?
- Energy companies (e.g. Exonmobil)
- Trading houses (e.g. Vitol)
- Financial institutions (e.g. Goldman Sachs)
- Sovereign entities (e.g. Mexico)
A derivative is a financial instrument whose value depends on the underlying asset.
4 Types of self-consumptions
- Net-metering: balance between injected & consumed power with same tariff
- Net-billing: balance between injected & consumed power with different tariff
- Zero feed-in: allowed installation of system with condition of no-feeding excess on grid
- Wheeling: balance between injected & generated energy not necessarily in same location and different tariffs.